Spotlight: Karina Hovden Stava

Published: 20. June 2023

Passion for work

Karina Hovden Stava finds her motivation in the great work environment and supportive team culture that is Omega 365. 

Most recently, Corporate HSEQ Manager, Karina Hovden Stava has led the effort to get Omega 365 and subsidiary companies ISO certified.

As Corporate HSEQ Manager, she is passionately dedicated to good routines, system development, and most recently, the task of getting the corporation ISO certified. She is known for being direct, hardworking, and speaking with a clear voice. Karina is from Vedavågen, located by the open sea on Karmøy, and she wouldn't be stopped even if the winds were to blow a little more than usual in her part of Norway. She knows what it means to set goals and then work to achieve them. 

  • Name: Karina Hovden Stava
  • Age: 44
  • From: Vedavågen, Karmøy - Norway
  • Omega focus: Corporate HSEQ Manager
  • Background: Worked at Omega 365 for 17 years, in various departments.
  • Location: Ølensvåg

Most recently, she has led the effort to get Omega 365 and subsidiary companies ISO certified; it is meticulous work where the details are crucial. Karina likes to get an overview, check off risk factors, and uncover possible gaps in the system. 

“The ISO certification confirms much of what we already have in place. The Omega 365 solution helps us streamline everything, and the results have been excellent. Five companies are now certified. The requirements found in the standards are good guidelines for us. We take the time to discuss important topics, and this gives us a competitive advantage,” she believes. 

Even though Karina can now proudly hang the physical ISO certificate on the wall, she does not rest for long after a successful project at work. She always wants to move forward, and that has been the case since she started at Omega in 2006. 

“You know, I dreamed about working at Omega for a long time before I started here. I always saw a job at Omega as a dream job. It probably had something to do with having both an aunt and an uncle who worked here. I just knew that this was where I was supposed to work.” 

But it didn't turned out to be that simple. She applied for a job twice without receiving a positive response, before finally getting a job in the newly-established Business Support Department, known then as the Service Center, at Omega in 2006. 

“They finally realized that I was the one they wanted,” she says with a laugh. 

“And during that time, the Service Center assisted all the departments throughout Omega. We had a lot of contact with the consultants who were on assignments, handled incoming emails, phone calls, and got an overview of most things. I learned a lot there,” she says. 

Entering Omega

The interview itself remains vivid in her memory; sitting on one side of the table was Department Manager at Omega 365 Consulting, Arne Gunnar Habbestad, and Business Support Manager, Aslaug Østrem Nesheim, while she was sitting on the opposite side. 

“I think we talked more about Omega than about me, actually,” Karina says.

One of the key requirements highlighted in the job advertisement was the importance of possessing strong English language skills. Given that many consultants at Omega worked on international projects, it was crucial for those working in the Service Center to be able to assist Department Managers with administrative tasks effectively. Karina was confident in her proficiency in English and knew she met this requirement. 

“I received a call from Neil Carlsen to have a conversation in English, and it went really well. Neil is from Newcastle, a city I had been on vacation to, so the conversation went effortlessly. Then he took me under his wing; he became a mentor of sorts for me. I was lucky in that regard.” 

Karina was now at the employer she had been longing to work for. Several years earlier, she had also gained insight into how Omega worked, but from a customer's perspective. Karina worked at Trygge Barnehager in Haugesund, where Omega was brought in to create system tools. 

"Omega was asked to develop a solution for nursery admissions that would be used in private kindergartens nationwide, and I was involved in the development from the customer side. I absolutely loved it; this was a perfect fit for me,” she says, reminiscing. 

“It was fantastic to see how we worked through the requirements and specifications for what we needed.” 

Aiming to Improve

Karina continuously faced new work opportunities within the Omega system. The need to document Omega's work became stronger, and eventually, Karina became responsible for managing Best Practice meetings, where the goal was to find good solutions to current issues. 

“In the end, we had a good record of challenges and solutions, and we had solid support throughout the organization. We worked strategically on what we could measure in our processes and which overviews we needed.” 

Eventually, Karina had her own department that dealt with everything from documenting best practices and communicating with consultants, to design, skill development, and training. 

“My team managed what many might remember as 'Improve,' a solution where all employees could submit improvement suggestions on topics and areas they believed could be enhanced.” 

In 2016, the oil crisis hit, and several resources in Omega were directed towards billable work. For Karina, this meant traveling to Oslo and attending customer meetings with companies such as Statsbygg and Bane NOR. 

“I really enjoyed that time; it was great to be in major companies and assist them with Pims 365, which was the precursor to what we now know as the Omega 365 system.” 

She thrived while working with customers, mapping out their needs and building a useful system specifically for their company. Karina does not let a challenge or two deter her; she looks beyond the problem to find good solutions. 

Implementing Omega 365

In the past year and a half, Karina has been involved in implementing Omega 365 within the company's own organization. 

“As we make Omega 365 functional for customers, we also use it ourselves. I believe it's a good quality assurance that we use the system; when we operate in the same solution we sell to customers, we quickly understand where the issues lie and what changes we need to address.” 

Over the course of Karina's 17 years at Omega 365, there have been notable changes and transformations within the company. 

“During these years, we have grown in size, international presence, and professionalism. We have good channels for collaboration and a better system for sharing information among ourselves.” 

When asked if she enjoys her job, she affirms, 

“Yes, this work environment motivates me, and I hope it applies to all our offices. We have a high level of openness and a strong set of values that I hope are reflected in everyone working here. We strive to be open, humble, and generous.” 

The topic shifts to Karina's capacity for work, to which she confidently replies,

“Absolutely, but I'm not the only one with an inner motivation to get things done. That's a typical Omega thing,” she responds. 

Over the course of Karina's 17 years at Omega 365, there have been notable changes and transformations within the company. 

Soccer and gardening

Karina considers herself "terribly boring" in her private life. Last year, she bought a new house in Vikedal, where her son lives with her every other week. 

“That means I get to be a super mom one week and a super colleague the next. Being a mom to a soccer-loving 12-year-old who is a goalkeeper on his team also means that I attend quite a few soccer matches.” 

Her hobbies, she admits, are somewhat limited. 

“I get plenty of fulfillment at work, but I do enjoy going for a mountain hike with country music in my ears. That's my escape. I've tried various hobbies from knitting to puzzles, but I simply don't have the patience.” 

With the new house, she also acquired a large garden. 

“Fortunately, I have retired parents who are helpful. My mother has now devised a plan for me to make the gardening more efficient since I'm more at work than at home.” 

When asked if the knack for systems and rationalization is a family trait, she confirms, 

“Yes, it certainly is. My mom is one of my role models. She is shorter than me, but she is a woman I truly look up to,” Karina concludes.

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