A productive trip to the Houston office

In mid-July, Pims Product Manager Aleksandr Narožnij and Document Control Product Manager Marius Balandis visited the Houston office, enhancing collaboration and exchanging valuable insights with the team.

Published: 13. August 2023
During the visit, each team shared their clients' challenges, customization requirements, and insights, supplying invaluable feedback to further enhance the DCS product.

Aleksandr Narožnij and Marius Balandis from the Omega 365 department in Lithuania recently traveled to the Houston office. Their goal was to foster better collaboration between the Houston teams and the Pims Document Control team.

“Sincere appreciation goes to Øyvind Vik and Shane Butt for organizing the visit and their exceptional hospitality in Houston. The visit enabled a valuable exchange of knowledge and updates,” says Narožnij.

The team in Houston is overseen by Vice President of Business Development, Shane Butt; Department Manager Noura ElMoughny; and Department Manager D. Young Hoang. Together, they organized discussions revolving around Pims news, DCS updates, customization techniques, and secure implementation of custom client solutions using SQA tools. A workshop on automated testing enabled the teams to initiate the covering of custom solutions with automated tests.

Embracing the power of collaboration

During the visit, each team shared their clients' challenges, customization requirements, and insights, supplying invaluable feedback to further enhance the DCS product.

“Understanding client needs drives continuous improvement and the crafting of tailored solutions.” says Narožnij. 

The Houston visit highlighted the importance of collaboration. Through working together, the teams exchanged knowledge, addressed challenges, and completed key tasks. This cooperative effort contributed to mutual growth and strengthened the relationship between the Pims Document Control team and the Houston teams.

“We extend gratitude to everyone involved for their support. Through knowledge sharing, insights gained, and collaborative efforts, this journey unlocked immense value, paving the way for further improvements and success,” Narožnij states.

“It was great to have Aleksandr and Marius travel to Houston in the middle of summer to share their knowledge and experience with our team. We were able to gain a deeper understanding of Pims DCS and other general Pims tools that will enable us to provide better products and support to our clients. We were also able to share how our clients are using Pims with key members of the Pims product group,” Butt adds. 

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