Consultant stories: Hans Blåsternes Vedø

A Step into consulting

Hans Blåsternes Vedø is glad he took the next step to become a consultant at Omega 365.

Omega 365 consultant Hans Blåsternes Vedø thought it was time to try something new. He started as a consultant in Omega 365 Consulting in January this year.“I was surprised by how many jobs were available in the Omega system, and by how many could be relevant for me,” he says.

“This job suits me well; I like to have a greater influence in my workday.”

Hans Blåsternes Vedø is Completion Coordinator Lead on the Valhall PWP project for Aker BP.

“My job is to set up a training program for sub-contractors in the completion program PIMS CMS, to ensure that Completion is represented in Kick-off meetings against upcoming procurement packages. I also engage in dialogue with the respective System Leads to define the degree of testing/system testing at the sub-contractors,” says Vedø, who is relatively new to the Omega 365 system.

He has a background in plumbing and worked at Aibel in 2006 as a plumber. He completed his studies in 2009 as a private student in the automation field. Since then, he has worked his way up through the system. After many years in Aibel, where he ended up having the role of Loop Coordinator, he decided to change the course of his career. In January this year, he started as a consultant at Omega 365 Consulting. 

“I registered my CV in the Omega system in 2017. That was when I first started to think seriously about whether or not consulting jobs could be something for me. But then I got a permanent MC position at Aibel and put the idea of consulting life on hold for a bit.” 

More influence in daily life 

Last year, when the pandemic reached a calmer period, and the market stabilized, Blåsternes Vedø thought it was time to try something new. He contacted Department Manager Arne Gunnar Habbestad in Omega 365 Consulting and set the process in motion. 

“It can seem a little scary to go from a permanent and steady job to a less-predictable schedule as a consultant. But I was pleasantly surprised at how many jobs were available in the Omega system and how many could be relevant to me. However, as a consultant, you have many opportunities. A permanent job is not necessarily secure if the company does not have enough assignments,” he states. 

“I am confident that this was the right choice for me. You can control your work day to a greater extent. If you are permanently employed, you are likely to be good at a few specific areas, and it is often the case that you work within those areas in the future, which can be monotonous. As a consultant, you can test out a position, and if it is not for you, Omega 365 will assist you in finding something else that suits you better.”  

Department Manager Arne Gunnar Habbestad points out that Hans has many of the qualities needed to become a good consultant.

“Personality is important; you need to be confident and self-driven. It is important that the consultant believes in himself and that he can make a difference in the job. This is, of course, in addition to the professional knowledge and experience needed for the job,” Habbestad says. 

“Consultants often have to adjust to new situations and assignments, and it is important to be confident when meeting situations like this. Hans is good at keeping his cool and has quickly found his position as a consultant. I remember thinking he would be a skilled consultant upon meeting him for the first time,” says Habbestad. 

Good work environment 

Even though he is not worked here for long, Hans has come to appreciate the excellent work environment at Omega 365. 

“Through Omega 365’s Advantage program, you can travel for team events with other employees and extend your network in the company. In addition, you earn points that you can use on other team events or book holiday houses,” he says and shared that he just discovered that a couple of colleagues on the same project are also Omega 365 consultants. “It was funny; I didn’t know it in advance.”

Blåsternes Vedø lives in Torvastad on the island of Karmøy, in Norway, and commutes daily to Stavanger for the project. It may be an option down the road to have an apartment in Stavanger. 

“The situation suits me well, and the company is flexible. It’s okay with a few days of working at home when needed,” he says with his family in mind. However, he emphasizes that he would prefer to be in the office where the social aspect is at the center, and he can quickly contact his colleagues. 

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