Consultant stories: Signy Kolbeinsen

Published: 06. June 2023

Passion for projects

Information management-analyst, Signy Kolbeinsen, is passionate about creating workflow in projects.

Signy Kolbeinsen's journey with Omega 365 as an Information Management Analyst began almost eleven years ago.

“I gain something from each assignment,” said Kolbeinsen.

She has had four assignments in eleven years and has never been out of work. Consultant Signy Kolbeinsen joined the world of Information Management (IM) by accident – and now, she wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Kolbeinsen is driven by professional development for the sake of the project, the professional environment, and the customer.

“I am a project-oriented person. I am highly stimulated by the project environment. There is always a lot of activity and things happening. No two days are the same. You get to do so much!” she explained.

“With each project, you acquire more knowledge. You can enhance your resume from one project to another,” Kolbeinsen added.

More knowledge with every project   

Kolbeinsen's journey with Omega 365 began in 2012 when she was invited by Kristin Jæger, Project Consultant Manager at Omega 365 Consulting, to join the company. Initially, Kolbeinsen worked as an Information Management (IM) specialist at another company. She found the project to be exciting and enjoyable, but the excessive amount of travel involved eventually led her to resign. She completed the project phase and approached her manager, Jæger.

“Kristin found an intriguing project for me with another client, and I remained there for almost seven years,” Kolbeinsen said.

The project she is referring to is the Nyhamna Expansion, a massive undertaking, which involved the construction of a natural gas processing facility for the Ormen Lange field in the North Sea. Kolbeinsen was involved in the project from its early stages until its completion and handover for operations, which spanned a total of seven years.

Despite being offered a permanent and exciting position, she declined and instead chose to work on larger projects with Aker BP. As the self-proclaimed "project lady," Kolbeinsen prefers to engage in exciting projects through Omega 365.

The entire information management scenario 

Since December, Kolbeinsen has been IM-analyst in Sval Energi. 

“It's a smaller company with around 200 employees. Working there allows me to broaden my professional scope within the entire information management scenario,” Kolbeinsen explained. 

“This field is divided into different branches. IM basis involves establishing a framework for the customer and their subcontractors, including reporting, tools, and systems. IM in projects, on the other hand, encompasses document control and LCI, which stands for life cycle information, and requires a more active role in information management,” Kolbeinsen further elaborated.

Kolbeinsen's path into the field of information management was somewhat accidental. After working as a dental hygienist for a few years, she transitioned to web design and eventually programming. In 2002, she landed her first job in the oil and gas industry, where she was initially tasked with launching web solutions for a customer. 

“It turned out that I had a talent for information management and understanding how to optimize workflows,” Kolbeinsen said.

Utilizes soft skills  

Throughout her career, Kolbeinsen has developed a deep understanding of customer needs. 

“When entering a new place, you should be a bit careful not to step on any toes. You must get to know the team and their roles and responsibilities. It is important to be aware of your responsibility,” shared Kolbeinsen.

She has observed other consultants being too abrupt in their feedback, which makes it more difficult for their ideas to be heard. 

“I research their processes and identify areas that can be simplified. Then, I thoroughly prepare and demonstrate how things can be improved, explaining why implementing these changes can save the customer time and money. Afterward, I invite the team for a cup of coffee,” Kolbeinsen shared. 

“You must test different alternatives along the way and work together to find the best workflow,” she added.

Signy Kolbeinsen favors the life of a consultant and places a high value on ongoing professional development.

Attentive and humble  

Her Project Consultants Manager, Kristin Jæger, emphasizes Kolbeinsen's commitment to continuous competence development. Jæger recognizes Kolbeinsen's ability to bring her newfound knowledge into the next project. According to Jæger, Kolbeinsen's contributions to shaping the Pims standard product stem from her natural talent for information management, deep understanding of customer needs, and personal characteristics.

“She has recognized the value of the solution and continues to promote Pims to new customers. When Signy enters a new organization, she demonstrates attentiveness and patience. Initially, she takes the time to observe, so when she does offer her input, it carries substance,” Jæger explained.

Continuous development of skills 

“Signy is both proficient and humble. The most important thing for her is to develop and be part of projects,” Jæger said.

Jæger also highlights Kolbeinsen's willingness to share knowledge for the benefit of the customer and the professional environment. 

“Signy is inclusive; she wants everyone on board and encourages everyone to learn as much as possible,” Jæger explained.

“I have gained something valuable from every assignment. I consider myself fortunate to have been able to develop myself and specialize in projects with the operators. I have obtained certifications based on the specific needs of each project,” Kolbeinsen shared.

Working for Omega 365  

Kolbeinsen does not boast about her own achievements; instead, she expresses admiration for her employer. She appreciates the benefits offered, such as good insurance agreements and Advantage offers. Together with her close consultant-friend in the Omega 365 system, she has had the opportunity to embark on over 30 Advantage trips, both domestically and internationally. Furthermore, Kolbeinsen frequently recommends colleagues to customers, leading to Omega 365 consultants joining projects.

“I genuinely enjoy working for and with Omega,” Kolbeinsen remarked. 

“Omega makes significant efforts to secure the best contracts that align with both my interests and the company's. I have never experienced unemployment and have had four major assignments in eleven years,” Kolbeinsen stated.

As a result, she intends to continue her journey with Omega 365. Despite receiving other offers along the way, she remains loyal to the company.

Kolbeinsen explains that during times of economic downturn, job security comes from expertise. 

“At the end of the day, I trust in my own competence and in Omega,” Kolbeinsen concluded.

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