Enabling project insight

Austrian oil and gas company OMV are now up and running with the first phase of their project governance tool, CapDat, developed together with Omega, and are already seeing results.

The system which now has approximately 100 users, enables project managers and others in the organization interested in a specific project to get an overview of the project’s progress. In fact, OMV’s vision for the development of the tool was that it would be the «One-Stop-Shop for projects to improve project governance and provide the only truth about projects within 30 seconds».

“It is important for everyone in the project and project managers for overseeing the project and governance. Seen in combination with our usage of Omega’s Pims system and CapDat, this is the only tool on the market that handles these areas of project reporting. The data enables us to have controlled information available via processes and procedures. And we achieve a higher level of quality and control,” says Product Manager in OMV, Doris Kittenberger.

CapDat has been a part of OMV’s digitization strategy for some years now. Already in 2017, the company started specifying a system that would contribute with gathering data so that reports and overview of projects could be easily gained.

“We had an internal process from 2017 to specify the system and processes we wanted. By January 2019 we had decided to work with Omega, and we got quite far by the end of the year,” says Kittenberger.

The primary goal for 2019 was to get the monthly project reporting tool in place and incorporate the data from all of OMV’s major capital projects, which are projects with budgets over 20 million. The minor capital projects, which are projects below 20 million,  are next in line for getting the data in CapDat.  The next development phase will be to implement the monthly performance reports, which has already started in January 2020.

Via CapDat the main factor reported is progress, but within this area one gains insight into areas such as staffing, production and costs. The data entered in the Pims modules Cost and Risk contribute to give more insight into the projects.

To achieve their KPI’s OMV saw that they either had to start using systems that would need to be heavily integrated into their operations, or they would need to develop a custom-made system.

“We chose to build a system together with Omega, that Omega owns and can use for further sales. We know that we have knowledge about what the market needs and would therefore contribute with valuable information in the development of this solution.” Kittenberger says and points out that the system has contributed to OMV’s value creation. 

The plan is that the system will have approximately 300 users in total from OMV, which all will be entering project information into Pims and CapDat.

Kittenberger also adds that the collaboration with the Omega team has worked well, even though they are working across locations from Austria to Norway.

“There is always someone available to answer our questions. And the project team with Lillian, Bjørg and Jan Christian come to our offices every other month.”


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