Gathering in Kronstadparken 

Omega’s employees in the ITC division, the system department and project management services in Bergen are on the move. On Wednesday October 22, they will move in with Omega Subsea in Edvard Griegs road 3 C, Kronstadparken. 

Omega is gathering all activities under one roof in Bergen. Here are some of the cohabitants together outside the new offices in Kronstadparken, Edvard Griegs vei 3 C. Kari Bauer Sandal (left), Trond Berge, Rita Arntsen, Maria Josefsen, Eva Naustdal Pechtel, Andreas Hveding Aubert og Vibeke Monsen Snarberg.

- We have started the countdown. Some of our colleagues from the system department and ITC are already in place, and the rest of us are packing our things the next coming days. Tuesday October 21, we will lock our offices at Kokstadflaten for the last time, says department manager Kari Bauer Sandal. 

Clients in common 

- It’s going to be great working together with our colleagues in subsea, says Kari. – We have several clients in common and together we can serve them better; we also each have interesting clients that we can learn from and form new connections with. 

What Kari and the two other department managers within project management, Vibeke Monsen Snarberg and Rits Arntsen, are looking forward to the most is to see if their current clients and candidates will find their way to the new offices that are located closer to the city center in Bergen. 

Longer distances 

- The majority of our clients and candidates are located in the vicinity of Kokstad and Sandsli, and it has been easy for them to come by our old office at Kokstad. We were able to be with our clients or colleagues at their offices within minutes if they wished. There is a short distance between the offices on Kokstad and Sandsli, says the three department managers when asked about the benefits of staying at their current office. 

- Our challenge will be to maintain our good relationships also after moving to Kronstadparken, however, we believe we are able to accomplish this task. We may have to become even better at visiting our clients and candidates, and it will be exciting to welcome them to our new offices in the city center. We will take good care of each and everyone after our move as well. 

A good-looking venue 

All of the three department managers are certain that visitors will enjoy the new office site. An interior designer was hired to develop the offices; there is a large focus on well being for both employees and visitors. 

- We moved to Kronstadparken not long ago, says finance manager Andreas Hveding Aubert from Omega Subsea. – That was back when we still went by the name Accpron Subsea Management, before Omega became the majority stakeholder of the company. We moved from tight conditions, where some found themselves having their office in the staircase from time to time. 

Together with the other colleagues in Omega Subsea, Hveding wishes their colleagues welcome to their offices in Kronstadparken, Edvard Griegs road 3 C.

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