Omega keeps growing

Publisert 07.10.10

Grannar (Kari Aakra)

With new large contracts and an ever expanding staff, Omega keeps growing in several areas. The company in Ølensvåg is about to hit the 700 employee-mark.

Håvard Matre (left), Johnny Vik and Petter Øren with Omega can keep on smiling. Omega is growing, with new large contracts. Last weekend they hosted 70 system operators from all of Omega in Ølensvåg.
(Photo: Grannar, Kari Aakra)

Omega AS is increasing both its number of employees and its customer base. Recently the Ølensvåg company landed a new contract with an international oil giant. Omega has delivered products and services to this global oil company for some time, and now they wish to utilize the Omega system on all its projects world wide.

— The agreement applies to software from Omega, that is to be used on large projects on a global basis within the company. We have delivered products to them for several years, but now they are signaling their willingness to trust Omega and our products even further, says Omega AS' CEO Petter Aalvik, whom is not at liberty to disclose the name of the customer.

Almost 700

Omega had an increase in turnover last year of nearly one hundre million kroner. From almost 613 million kroner in 2008, sales in 2009 ended at close to 730 million. This summer the company renewed its frame agreements with Statoil ASA. Last weekend 70 system operators from Omega were gathered for a bi-annual teambuilding in Ølensvåg, for updates on technology and products developed at the Vågen office. Next time they all meet at Headquarters the number of operators will probably have increased from this years'. As of today Omega AS has close to 680 employees, and with an ever increasing number and size of projects there is a need for more consultants.

The demand for Omega's own management tool, Pims is growing, and now has approx. 5.000 users. The company will most likely pass 700 employees before too long, and it is the combination of Pims and Omega personnel that is the key to this positive development, according to the company's own employees.


— The success factor is a combination of people and systems. In connection with the renewal of our latest frame agreement with Statoil ASA we were faced with a new challenge, where we will supply both product and consultants, explains Products Manager Jonny Vik, Technology Manager Petter Øren, and Project Systems Manager in Stavanger, Håvard Matre, who acted as hosts this past weekend for the many systems operators visiting Ølensvåg.

— The financial crisis has not hampered business too much, says the three, but our growth might not be as good as it has been in the past. Still, they point out that the company had just over 600 employees when the crisis hit, and despite difficult times has managed to increase this number.

— We become better with stronger competition. To a great extent it is the customers who decide, while we implement and adapt the product at our customers' location. This will most likely let us continue to grow, and our level of activity has been steady, say these three, adding that there is an increase in the need for new consultants in Omega.

— We are actively recruiting, constantly looking for new people for several of our locations.

The world’s largest

Software from Omega is now in use in what is considered the world’s largest oil recovery project. NOCC consists of oil giants such as ConocoPhilips, ENI, Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total, and the state owned gas- and oil company in Kasakhstan. It is in the start-up phase of a long term oil project in the Caspian sea.

— For the time being this is not a very big contract for us, since the project is in its initial phase. But we have secured a position that offers many new opportunities as the project expands, says Aalvik.

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