The construction industry chooses Omega system

Omega’s HMSREG system can become an important tool for assuring trustworthy companies in the construction sector, says Skanska, AF Gruppen and Veidekke. All three companies are now testing the system for use on their construction projects in Norway.

"The goal is that the system will be utilized in all of Veidekke, for contractors and for the industry and facility projects," says IT Administrator in Veidekke, Kim Andrè Håland. Veidekke is one of three major companies in the norwegian construction industry which are now testing Omega´s system on building and transportation projects. Photo: Veidekke

The intention with the HMSREG system from Omega is to prevent work-related crime and social dumping in the construction sector. The system was first created for state-owned civil contractors, but now the heavy lifters in the industry have started to show interest. 

Skanska, Veidekke and AF Gruppen will during the course of six months, test the system on some of their building and transportation projects on the Eastern and Southern parts of Norway.

"We believe that HMSREG will add an important system and simplify the approval of subcontractors and workers in the industry. The system will also contribute to a better overview and ongoing control of the construction site,” says Ragnar Furru, Purchasing Director in AF Gruppen.

Trendsetters paving the way for HMSREG

Omega developed HMSREG in cooperation with Oslo municipality, who also was the first client to utilize the system. The system was initially developed for state-owned civil contractors, says Development Manager, Arne Myskja in Omega.

"Now we see that it has great impact and value for the companies in the construction and facility sector, because it is the contractors who have the daily responsibility for keeping control of the workers on the construction site. Veidekke, Skanska, and AF Gruppen are trendsetters in the market, and it is a milestone for us in Omega when they now choose to utilize HMSREG,” says Myskja.

"Even after several years with HSE cards, which is a required routine, there is a big potential for improving consistent use of the cards," he says.

"New requirements for a better overview on the construction sites and more control activities, make it necessary with good systems for follow-up. By utilizing information from the unit register, HSE cards and StartBANK (the construction sector’s own tool for qualification of suppliers), HMSREG can contribute with securing that the crew on a construction site has valid work conditions with approved suppliers,” explains Myskja.

Gathering information in one system  

Skanska has always had focus on assuring trustworthy companies, and are testing HMSREG with a goal of simplifying and strengthening the work in their projects. Photo: Skanska 

Giving the subcontractors the possibility to pre-register the crew that will be working on a project, simplifies the qualification when they arrive at the construction place. This can give safer work conditions and save time for all involved parties. 

"HSE cards and StartBANK are two of our most important tools to control and follow-up on our contract partners, in addition to revisions and looking into salary and work conditions. Follow-up is time consuming work, something that HMSREG will considerably simplify. Skanska has always had a big focus on assuring seriousness and with HMSREG the control and follow-up of all our contractual partners will be strengthened and simplified,” says Security Manager in Skanska, Arild Berglund.

There are already solutions in place that contribute to assuring seriousness in the building sector. HMSREG will not replace any of these as Omega has chosen to build further on them to increase their effect.

«We have developed HMSREG to become the “glue” which ensures that all the different solutions talk together. In this way, all the existing solutions will have even more benefits for the contractors; several of the existing solutions cover only the qualification process and the contractual work in building projects, while HMSREG is developed to also ensure control in the completion phase,” Myskja explains.

Developing an industry standard 

The system has recently been developed and customized for the contractors. The goal is that the system can be an industry standard to secure serious contractors in the sector across the country.

"Building projects have become so complex that we often need specialists delivered from sub-contractors. To reduce the risk in projects, the industry needs good routines and structures in place to ensure earnest transactions between the contractors and sub-contractors. The goal is to build an industry standard where all companies in the building sector can contribute with orderliness and strengthen the seriousness in the industry,” says Myskja.

Veidekke has already tested the system on two projects, and have thus far had good experiences with HMSREG, says IT Administrator in Veidekke, Kim Andrè Håland.

"The goal is that the system will be utilized in all of Veidekke, for contractors and for the industry and facility projects. We hope that this can become a standard system for the sector. Up until now, we have run HMSREG as a standard solution. In good cooperation with Omega, we have now integrated Veidekke’s internal HSE requirements and routines for registration at the construction place. We will now test this more contractor-friendly solution and we believe that this will strengthen the work even more,” says Håland.

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