New recruits for Omega IAT

Published: 02.02.2012

Omega subsidiary, Omega Areal (previously IAT), has experienced a flying start to 2012. As IAT's client list grows, so too does its need for new team members in engineering and architectural services and new areas of expertise.


Lars Petter Vatna represented Omega IAT at a student conference on Stord in January.

Omega IAT

  • Omega Areal (previously IAT) is a subsidiary of Omega AS
  • Provides construction management, architectural and planning services in the Haugaland and Sunnhordland regions of Norway
  • Established itself as a stand-alone company in 2004 (having been a part of Omega AS since 1997)
  • 30 employees located at four IAT offices
  • Head office in Ølensvåg, with offices on Stord, Frakkagjerd (Tysvær) and Husnes (Kvinnherad)

Omega Areal has experienced a significant increase in market share and a rise in demand already in 2012; now, up to 10 new team members are needed in order to meet client requests.

Looking for new employees

Recruitment is currently this Omega subsidiary's first priority. Thus far in 2012, Areal has been represented at two student conferences, and in February they will launch a media-based recruitment campaign.

“The construction activity around commercial buildings, schools, kindergartens and other public buildings has loosened up and now we need more skilled employees in several areas of our business. The demands for our services keep coming and we hope to hire 5 to 10 new employees this year,” says Omega Areal CEO, Gunnar Vårdal.

New expertise

Today, Omega Areal employs 30 professionals accross five departments in four locations, and there is a need to increase this capacity at all offices.

As well as new talent in IAT’s existing skill set, expertise in new areas is also required. Following the successful employment of professionals in new areas such as geotechnics and building acoustics Omega Areal will be able to expand its list of available services, Manager of the Stord office, Lars Petter Vatna points out.

“Our existing clients are growing and we are also receiving requests from new clients. We are growing with them and will therefore be more qualified with more assignments. We must strengthen our capacity in several areas of expertise, but we are also looking forward to adding more specialists to our team,” Vatna says.

"Long-term planning"

Omega Areal was established in 2004, and since then the company has established three offices in addition to its head office in Ølensvåg. The company started out with six employees in 2004, but has increased its staff to 30 ahead of its recruitment campaign this year.

“We recruit based on long-term plans. Having represented IAT at student conferences in recent months, we know several students are looking to start an education in the areas we are interested in. We will be waiting with jobs for them after graduation,” Vårdal says.

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