Introducing Omega 365

This week Omega’s newest system upgrade, Omega 365 will be launched. The system ensures better workflow and functions for Omega’s operational tools.

The project team behind the new Omega 365. From the left: Sigmund Lunde, Anders Lunde, Jorunn Wathne Løhaugen, Gaute Haugen, Karina Hovden Stava, Peter Øren and Aslaug Østrem Nesheim. 

This fall, teams across Omega’s offices and departments have worked on the upgrade project, Omega 365 and a new version of Omega’s framework, Appframe R5. Now, the system will go live and will go through continual upgrades in the coming weeks.

“All companies that have a vision of development and growth must be willing to aim for new solutions. Omega 365 is the result of such willingness. It is perceived as an important milestone that the system now is live and creates the foundation for all our websites and internal solutions to manage publishing of jobs and online application processes,” explains Chairman of the board and founder of Omega, Sigmund Lunde.

Omega 365

Omega 365 is the name of the new system, but for the observant eye one can see that also the web address to what was previously now reads This takes the company a step further in their international operations.

“We were happy when we in the early 90s managed to book before the more established Omega companies (for example the watch producer). But when Omega in 2001 expanded across national borders we experienced that .no was not the best name to use globally. We have always been happy with our company name Omega, and were therefore not ready to do a name change such as Norwegian “Vy” or “Equinor”,” says Lunde.

“After a good process where we evaluated many suggestions, we ended up with We are very happy with this solution, and we think that the 365 addition suits both our software and services offers. For our software business 365 gives associations to cloud and subscription-based solutions, while for our consultancy services 365 shows that we are always ready to serve our clients," Lunde sums up.

Omega Jobs

The upgrade also includes Omega’s Jobs portal, which is the recruiting and jobs posting tool that Omega’s consultancy services use.

“Now the consultants get their own section where they can go in and adjust their information. Previously they had to go through our Business Support team to get changes done,” says project coordinator Karina Hovden Stava.

“We are opening up for our consultants to take more control of their own profile and will now have the option of having the CV in several languages. The subscribe function on Jobs will be more relevant for the consultants and our department managers will get a greater opportunity to match the right people to the right positions,” says general manager in Omega’s consultancy services, Anders Lunde.

“We have now gone from a Windows-based client to a web client. This means that information will be more accessible, the speed in transferring information will increase, which will affect those that work from offices outside Omega’s locations,” says Peter Øren, department manager in Omega PS and manager for the technology development in Omega.

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