Istanbul teambuilding 2012


We would like to welcome you to Omega’s biggest teambuilding of the year, in the city where the oriental East meets the modern West. In addition to several group activities this weekend, we will experience many of the city's attractions together. We will visit the Asian part of the city, the Blue Mosque, the Topkapi Palace and experience a boat ride on the Bosphorus Strait. While in Istanbul, you will also get to taste many of the delicacies of the Turkish kitchen, enjoy the facilities of the hotel, as well as having time to explore the city on your own.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us for assistance. We wish you an exciting and adventurous weekend in Istanbul!


Aslaug Nesheim
+47 9828 6931

Arne Inge Mathisen
+47 9111 3201

Leif Kåre Kolnes
+47 9328 1455

Lene Gregersen
+47 9572 6920

Roger Arnesen
+47 9229 6829


Our home for the weekend is the Grand Hyatt Istanbul, a fashionable, five-star hotel located in the heart of Istanbul, just a short distance from many of the city’s attractions. The hotel offers its own spa and fitness center, a large pool, tennis court and Turkish bath.

Taskisla Caddesi
Taksim, Istanbul 34437
Ph: +90 212 368 1234

Important information for your stay


With its 13 million inhabitants, Istanbul is a city with heavy traffic; this can result in changes to the teambuilding schedule.


Some of our participants will be taking photos for use on Omega's websites and in Omega's publications. If you do not want photos of yourself to be published, please send an email to

Time Zone

We turn the clock forward one hour (from Norwegian local time) to find the Turkish time zone (EEST).


The Turkish currency is the Turkish Lira. One Lira is equal to approximately NOK 3.20, US$0.60 or 0.40 Euro. Credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, Diners and Amex are accepted at most hotels and restaurants. There are plenty of ATMs in the city.

Visiting the mosques

Remember to leave your shoes at the entrance and make sure your clothes cover your shoulders and knees when visiting the mosques of Istanbul. Women are encouraged to cover their hair.

At the Grand Bazaar

Watch out for pickpockets at the Grand Bazaar and hold on to your purse or wallet.

Important phone numbers

  • Ambulance: 112
  • Police: 155
  • Fire: 110

Flights, 1 May

17.00: Departs Sabiha Gocken Airport, Istanbul
19.55: Arrives Stavanger Airport


Saturday, 28 April

15.25 We arrive at Sabiha Gocken Airport Istanbul (local time). Buses and English-speaking guides will meet us and transport us to the hotel
Luggage must be clearly labeled with name and telephone number, and will be taken directly from the bus to our hotel rooms
Those people that already have visas can go straight to immigration
17.30 Arrival at the Grand Hyatt Istanbul Hotel
18.30 Welcome gathering in the hotel conference room, "the Troy Room", on the first floor
We will be served canapés and drinks
19.30 We walk with our guides to dinner (a 17-minute walk)
20.00 Dinner at Flower Market Restaurants
We will dine at various restaurants in the market area, so please wait to be seated
23.00 Return to the hotel with guides

Sunday, 29 April

06.30-11.00 Breakfast available
10.00 Outing (all participants):
Trip to Asia
13.00 Lunch at the Angel Blu Restaurant
Approx. 14.30 Bus leaves the restaurant
15.00 Optional activities (signed-up participants):

Visit to the Hagia Sophia Cathedral
Sightseeing in the Basilica Cistern
Return to the hotel by bus. The guides will inform us of our departure time

18.00 Expected arrival at the hotel for those who visited the cathedral/the cistern
19.30 Bus leaves the hotel. Transport by boat to the Bosphorus strait and our restaurant for the evening
20.30 Dinner at Suada Restaurant
23.00 Transport back to the hotel

Monday, 30 April

06.30-10.30 Breakfast available
09.00 Outing (all participants):
Visit to the Blue Mosque and the Topkapi Palace
13.00 Lunch at Restaurant Karakol in the palace garden
15.00 Optional activities (signed-up participants):
Visit to the Grand Bazaar (one or two-hour visit)
Return to the hotel by bus (16.00/17.00)
20.00 Bus from the hotel to dinner
20.30 Dinner and entertainment at Feriye Restaurant
24.00 Bus back to the hotel

Tuesday, 1 May

06.30-10.00 Breakfast available

Check out from the hotel before 10.00

10.00 Bus departs hotel for the seaport
Your luggage will be placed on the bus while we depart for our boat trip
The buses are marked with the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Please note which bus you are on, to ensure you arrive on the same bus as your luggage
10.30 Outing (all participants)
Boat trip and sightseeing on the Bosphorus Strait (approximately two hours)
We sail towards the Black Sea and stop at the seaport near the restaurant for lunch
We will be served mineral water onboard
13.00 Lunch at Restaurant Del Mare
14.30 Bus leaves for the airport
17.00 Flight departs
19.55 Arrival at Stavanger Airport

Activities and outings

Sunday, 29 April

Trip to Asia

Outing (all participants)
We begin our teambuilding with a trip to Asia. We will be transported by bus over the first bridge to the Asian part of the city, crossing the Bosphorus Strait. We make our first stop at Camlica Hill, one of the city’s highest points. From the Camlica Hill park we will enjoy a great view of the European part of the city. We will then move on to Beylerbeyi Palace; a palace built as a summer residence for Sultan Abdülaziz during the Ottoman Empire. Returning to the city, we will cross a second bridge over the Bosphorus Strait.

10.00 We depart the hotel
13.00 Lunch at the Angel Blu Restaurant
Approx. 14.30 Bus from the restaurant

Visit to Hagia Sophia

Optional group activity
The cathedral is one of Istanbul’s most famous landmarks, and is considered an architectural masterpiece. The church was built in the 530s and became a mosque in 1453. Since 1934 the cathedral has been used as a museum. With its beautiful decorations and unique construction the old church is one of the most impressive byzantine monuments.
Please note that Hagia Sophia is closed on Mondays, in case you want to visit the cathedral on your own.

15.00 We arrive at the catherdral for sightseeing
The guides will inform us of our departure time


Shirin Alibhai, Taher Alibhai Hansen, Gitte Andersen Arne Andersen, Astrid Andersen, Ingunn Bakke, Kari Houge Bastiansen, Hard Olav Bastiansen, Anita Higgins Berge, Bjørn Helge Berge, Anders Carlsen, Neil Carlsen, Anne Daling, Terje Nannestad, Ove Eikeland, Ann Iren Festervoll, Sølvi Melvold, John Hermann, Atle Cook, Gunn Bente Stråbø Håvardsholm, Jan Åge Håvardsholm, Holm Eirik Johnsen, Leif Kåre Kolnes, Mali Randi Kolnes, Thomas Kanebog, Terje Christian Korth, Vigdis Kristensen, Reidun Peters, Gunnar Kr. Kulleseid, Gerhard Kvalevaag, Greta Margot Kvalevaag, Målfrid Brekke, Arne Inge Mathisen, Hans Olav Rode-Hæhre, Edith Marjorie Rode Hæhre, Haldis Særsten, Ole Martin Simonsen, Aud Kristin Andreassen, Sølvi Grindheim Stople, Anne Britt Tornes, Per Tønnessen, Brit Elin Tønnessen, Runar Vartdal, Karl Otto Vibran, Aud Sigrid Vibran, Hans Peter Wesøe, Olaug Giæver Wesøe

Sightseeing in the Basilica Cistern

Optional group activity
The Basilica Cistern is the largest of the many hundred old cisterns in Istanbul, built in the sixth century. The amazing underground halls attract thousands of tourists each year.

15.00 We arrive at the cistern for sightseeing
The guides will inform us of our departure time


Ali Ahmadov, Taher Alibhai Hansen, Shirin Alibhai, Lene Gregersen, Lars Morten Odland , Kjetil Hauge, Marianne Ankervold, Zsuzsanna Olah, Olav L. Ingvaldsen, Agneta Larne, Anders Ragnar Larne, Ivar Lygren, Dagny Irene Ravninger, Vidar Lygre, James Migel, Randi Mikkelson Miracco, Giovanni Miracco, Edit Opstvedt, Berit Sjøvik, Per Sjøvik,Terje Sondresen, Ayse Aysun Øzyalim, Leif Strand, Søren Sørensen, Anne Siri Vehus, Wenche Ingunn Tindeland, Grete Karin Fostenes, Finn-Alex Tønnessen, Liv Johanne Tønnessen, Karl Otto Vibran, Aud Sigrid Vibran, Torill Ånestad, Ola E Ånestad

Monday, 30 April

Outing to the Blue Mosque and Topkapi Palace

Outing (all participants)
Buses and guides will pick us up at the hotel to take us on a guided tour of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque. Sultan Ahmed’s mosque was built in 1612, and is called the Blue Mosque because of the interior's twenty thousand blue tiles.

NB!Remember to leave your shoes at the entrance and make sure your clothes cover your shoulders and knees when visiting the mosques of Istanbul. Women are encouraged to cover their hair.

For 350 years, Topkapi Palace was the center of the Ottoman empire, an empire stretching from Vienna to Algeria and the Indian Ocean. The decorated halls characterize the buildings and include unique collections of the emperor’s clothes, silver, gold, diamonds and necklaces.

09.00 We depart the hotel by bus to The Blue Mosque
We travel directly to the Topkapi Palace
13.00 Lunch at Karakol Restaurant in the palace garden
Those who have planned to visit the Grand Bazar will travel directly from the restaurant

Visit to Grand Bazaar

Optional group activity
Grand Bazaar is one of the world’s oldest "shopping centers", dating back to the 1400s. The Bazaar has more than
5 000 shops. If you were to visit every shop for three minutes you would have to use two weeks to see the entire bazaar. Daily, hundreds of thousands of visitors walk the 60 streets in the bazaar area. Wares on offer include animal skins, leather, gold, silver, material, shoes, lamps, carpets and bags. Please be aware that there are many pickpockets at the bazaar, so hold on to your wallet or purse.

15.00 We arrive at the Grand Bazaar
16.00/17.00 Bus returns to the hotel


One hour: Arne Andersen, Gitte Andersen, Hard Olav Bastiansen, Kari Houge Bastiansen, Gunn Bente Stråbø Håvardsholm, Jan Åge Håvardsholm, Gerhard Kvalevaag, Greta Margot Kvalevaag, Liv Johanne Tønnessen, Finn-Alex Tønnessen

Two hours: Ali Ahmadov, Taher Alibhai Hansen, Shirin Alibhai Astrid Andersen , Ingunn Bakke, Bjørn Helge Berge, Anita Higgins Berge, Neil Carlsen, Anders Carlsen, Berit Elisabeth Dahlberg, Per Ivar Dahlberg, Anne Daling, Terje Nannestad, Ann Iren Festervoll, Bente Semmingsen Fivelsdal, Kjetil Hauge, Marianne Ankervold, John Hermann, Sølvi Melvold, Atle Cook, Ingelin Mortensen Vik, Espen Haaland, Olav L. Ingvaldsen, Zsuzsanna Olah, Jane S. Jakobsen, Emma Lu Vallestad Jensen, Eva Marit Jensen, Holm Eirik Johnsen, Johnsen Katrine, Thomas Kanebog, Leif Kåre Kolnes, Mali Randi Kolnes, Terje Christian Korth, Hege Nes, John Karsten Langåker, Anders Ragnar Larne, Agneta Larne, Jostein Lervik, Ivar Lygren, Dagny Irene Ravninger, Vidar Lygre, Arne Inge Mathisen, Målfrid Brekke, James Migel, Aslaug Østrem Nesheim, Olav Magne Nesheim, Julie Lillebostad Svendsen, Odin Rasmussen Otterå, Edith Marjorie Rode Hæhre, Hans Olav Rode-Hæhre, Laura Rørtveit, Yngvar Rushfeldt, Haldis Særsten, Ole Martin Simonsen, Aud Kristin Andreassen, Anne Lila S. Sivertsgård, Jermund Sivertsgård, Per Sjøvik, Berit Sjøvik, Ragnhild Smith, Ayse Aysun Øzyalim, Terje Sondresen, Sølvi Grindheim Stople, Halvor Stormo, Anne Liv Stormo, Leif Strand, Søren Sørensen, Anne Siri Vehus, Wenche Ingunn Tindeland, Grete Karin Fostenes, Atle Tornes, Anne Britt Tornes, Arne Vallestad, Inger Vallestad, Runar Vartdal, Mariann Kristin Djuve, Claus Østergaard, Ola E Ånestad, Torill Ånestad

Tuesday, 1 May
Boat trip on the Bosphorus Strait

Outing (all participants)
Our final teambuilding outing will be a boat trip on the Bosphorus Strait. We will head north towards the Black Sea, before turning south. The trip will last for approximately two hours.


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Map of Istanbul


H = Grand Hyatt Istanbul Hotel
T = the Topkapi Palace
G = Grand Bazaar
S = Hagia Sophia
B = Basilica Cistern
M = The Blue Mosque

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