Kenneth Down Under

Published 30.10.05

Week Five - The bet, the rave and the mystery girl
24.10.05 - 30.10.05

Kenneth Steinsvik
Clough Oil & Gas
Perth, Australia


Partying during the week and working on the weekend? Is Kenneth's world really turning upside down down under? Luckily, Kenneth still had time to make it to the gym, although that probably had something to do with a certain bet and a certain girl…let's just call her "Camille".

Wednesday, 26 October 2005

Today Ken came with me to the gym. We had a bet as to where one of the girls there was from. I guessed France and that she was called Camille. She was there with her mother, so neither of us were brave enough to talk to her.

Thursday, 27 October 2005

After work I went straight to the gym. I met "Camille" there. Needed to talk to her today to find out if I had won the bet. Found out she was originally from Serbia and was called Jelena. She had lived in Perth for the last eight years.

Friday, 28 October 2005

Very busy day. Right after work I went to Office Party, an outdoor event with live band. Most people from work went to this event.

After a short trip home to change, Ken and I went to Blue Print. Puay's school had a student party here and she took us along. Top place, I liked it a lot.

Around 23.00 we met Page, Rebecca og Stuart. Ministry of Sound played in different venues in Perth today. We went to Old Berlin and Metro. This was the first time I have been at a rave party, so it was a new experience for me.

Saturday, 29 October 2005

After a long night the day before, Saturday was pretty relaxed. Was at the gym and shopped a bit. Sat in front of the computer in the evening. Worked with CMS and web applications.

Sunday, 30 October 2005

Today I went to Harbour Market, a big shopping centre. It's normal for shopping centres to be open on Sundays here as well. Had a look and bought some clothes. Only brought one suitcase from Norway.

Had plans to go to the beach today, but since the weather was bad watched a DVD with Page, Puay and Ken.

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