Kenneth Down Under

Published 18.11.2005

Week Three - Girls, sunburn and a trip to jail!
10.10.05 - 16.10.05


 Kenneth Steinsvik
Clough Oil & Gas
Perth, Australia


Don't panic! Kenneth's stint in jail was only a day trip, preceded by the purchasing of a tourist ticket. However, if meeting too many girls in the space of a week was a crime he might be in trouble... Gezila from Brazil, Leonna from Japan, Puay from Thailand, and Candice from Australia. All whilst working 10 hour days. That's dedication!

Monday, 10 October 2005

New Monday and back at work. Strange how quickly time goes down here. Especially the weekends!

The work is going steadily forwards. I am still working to get all the certificates into Pims. Have received approximately 200 templates that are all a bit different.

Tuesday, 11 October 2005

The week days are beginning to be routine for work and training. I normally start a working day between 07.00 - 07.30 and go home around 18.00 - 19.00.

Thursday, 13 October 2005

Today, Ken and I went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch. Here we met Gezila from Brazil. I don't think I have met anyone who works harder than her. She works the whole day round in three different places in addition to her studies. It makes you realise how good things are in Norway.

Friday, 14 October 2005

Every Friday we have a regular gang who go to a restaurant for lunch. This time we went to an Indian restaurant near Bell Tower. This is run with a very special concept. There's a buffet where you can eat as much as you like. When you pay, you decide yourself how much! "Pay What You Think". I am not sure how this would work in Norway but it seems to work well here. For the record, I paid $10 (50NOK). Normal price for a similar lunch in Perth.

As it was Friday, many of us went to the pub after work. A guy called Robin was finished at Clough today so there were more people than normal. After a few beers and some shopping Ken and I ended up at a bar called Grape Skin. Here we met some girls from Japan studying massage in Perth. 

Saturday, 15 October 2005

Lovely weather and my first day on the beach. In the last few days, sharks have been observed twice in this area, not that we let that bother us. Ken and I went to a beach called Scarborough Beach. It is 15 minutes drive from the centre of town and ideal for surfing and bathing. Here we met one of the Japanese girls from yesterday (Leonna).

A few hours later I was suitably burned and continued the day at the cinema. There is a Japanese film festival in Perth at the moment. The film, "Don't look back", was not one of the best I have seen.

Since we were out the evening before, we had a quiet evening. Ken and Puay turned up with Thai food. Puay is a girlfriend of Ken's from Thailand and studies here. The food was good even though it was a bit spicy for me. I am not used to large portions of chilli. Anyway, it is always nice to try something new.

Sunday, 16 October 2005

Today I spent the day in Fremantle together with Candice. This was my first visit to Fremantle and she showed me round. Candice (24) is a friendly girl from Perth that I met through the job. We started the day by visiting the markets where you could buy everything from kangaroo skin to bananas. Bought some koala bears and a boomerang for my two year old nephew.

After a short stop at an Italian restaurant, we continued the day with a guided tour round Fremantle Prison. This is an old prison that was built in 1855 and was in use until 1991. Interesting experience where I learned a good deal about the history of the town.

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