Consultant stories: Monica Fjeldheim

“As a consultant, there's always someone working to create new opportunities for you. I really enjoy that,” says Monica Fjeldheim, who is currently an Omega 365 consultant at Vår Energi in Norway.

Published: 17. October 2023
Omega 365 consultant, Monica Fjeldheim, loves working on projects, both on a larger and smaller scale.

Monica has been employed by oil-related companies since 2005 and had a thorough understanding of both Omega 365 and the project management tool, Pims, when the opportunity to become a consultant in Omega 365 arose. In 2018, Monica received a termination notice from the oil company where she was employed, prompting her to consider alternative career paths. She then reached out to Kristin Jæger, Department Manager at the Stavanger branch of Omega 365. The two quickly found common ground. 

“I had received a job offer and was scheduled for an interview. I then contacted Kristin to express my desire to proceed with the job offer through Omega. She responded promptly, and as a result, we finalized the agreement in no time.”  

Former colleagues had told her about several benefits of becoming a consultant in the Omega 365 system.  

“Notably, there was a culture of transparency regarding finances; what was invoiced, and what our consultant salaries were. It creates trustworthiness, and that's something I appreciate,” she says. 

Highly qualified 

Department Manager Kristin Jæger has no doubt that Monica is doing an excellent job as a consultant, and her years at Omega 365 have provided her with diverse experience. 

“Monica began her consulting career at AkerBP as a Senior Cost Controller, where she was contracted for approximately three years before moving on to OMV as a Senior Expert Cost Engineer. Now, she is with Vår Energi as a Senior Budget & Cost Controller on a long-term contract, and she has already been there for one year,” says Kristin, emphasizing that Monica possesses many qualities that are valuable in her role as consultant. 

“Monica is ambitious, independent, and professionally strong. Over the years, she has built a resume that makes her highly qualified for the future. Monica is a positive-minded individual and is adept at sharing her knowledge with her colleagues. She has also maintained continuous employment since she started as a consultant,” says Kristin. 

Monica describes herself as adaptable, a trait she considers valuable in her role as a consultant. 

Integrity as a consultant 

Monica holds a degree in economics and administration, and as a consultant, she has worked extensively on estimation, cost tracking, and cost planning. 

 “I love working on projects, both on a larger and smaller scale. I need to be where the action is, and as a consultant, you never quite know what the workday will bring,” she says. 

She wants to be involved in projects right through to the end. 

“I believe it's crucial to have integrity as a consultant, to stick with assignments unless there are compelling reasons to leave. I think it's important to be there until the project is finished.” 

Monica also greatly appreciates that her Department Manager and the rest of the Omega 365 team continuously work to find new projects when assignments come to an end. 

“As a consultant, you know that projects come to an end. However, there's a significant difference between being laid off as an employee and being a consultant. When you're in as a consultant, there are always people working to secure new projects for you. There are people cheering you on and making it clear that they don't want you to leave the team,” says Monica.  

Quick adaptation 

Monica describes herself as adaptable, a trait she considers valuable in her role as a consultant. With new projects and challenges continually emerging, it’s crucial to be able to pivot quickly. 

“It's also important to be open and approachable. The world isn't that big, so it's essential to conduct oneself in a respectful manner. We must always express our professional opinions, but we shouldn't speak ill of other companies or projects.”  

She also knows that life can change rapidly, both in the workplace and in personal life; two years ago, she lost her husband in a tragic training accident. It turned her everyday life upside down, and there was a need to pause and take a break from work. 

“During that time, Department Manager Kristin was very supportive, giving me the space, and we managed a smooth transition as I gradually returned to work.” 

Today, life is more balanced again, and she takes joy in her new role as a grandmother to a five-month-old grandchild. 

“We can't sit still, even though we never know what the future holds. It's been said that I'm tough, but most importantly, I am myself and confident with being me. It serves me well both at home and at work.” 

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