New frame agreement with Tysvær municipality

Omega Areal has been awarded a frame agreement with the Tysvær municipality within building engineering consulting.

General Manager in Omega Areal, Gisle Heggebø. 

“It is very gratifying to secure a frame agreement with the Tysvær municipality. It is a municipality we have wanted to work with for a very long time,” says General Manager of Omega Areal, Gisle Heggebø.

Omega Areal will have a start-up meeting with the municipality shortly in order to go through their existing projects. The municipality’s current budget process will also lay the foundations for which projects will be relevant in the years ahead.

“As part of this agreement we will be responsible for the construction discipline on projects that the municipality plans, in addition to construction management and client responsibility for several of the projects,” says Heggebø, and points out that it is great to work so closely with a municipality where several of Omega Areal’s employees also reside.

Tysvær municipality has just over 11 100 inhabitants and is located in Haugalandet. The municipal center is located in Aksdal.

About Omega Areal

Omega Areal now has close to 50 employees. From their offices in Ølensvåg, Stord, Frakkagjerd and Bergen, Omega Areal provides a wide range of services, including analyzing, planning, engineering and follow-up throughout the construction process. Omega Areal offers services to both public and private clients and has in recent years secured contracts with the majority of the municipalities in the Sunnhordland and Haugaland region, in addition to holding major roles in projects such as the construction of a new care center in Etne, the new Aksen in Husnes, and a new swimming facility on Bømlo.

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