Leading digitization

Kine Årdal is on assignment with Aker BP and is working on the company's digitization process.

"Every" company is now digitizing, but for many of them it is difficult to know where to start.

«They need more than just knowledge about digitization, they also need someone who can incorporate the process with business improvements and value creation.»

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Pims365 in use by Statsbygg

The Omega team consisting of system developers Ole Martin Skaug (from the left), Aleksander H. Birkeland, Arthur M. Nordnes , and Department Manager Roger Arnesen, is working on the integration of Pims365 on Statsbygg's projects.

In February last year, Statsbygg started using Omega's system for systematic completion on two large pilot projects; Prosjekt Nytt Nasjonalmuseum (PNN) and Campus Aas. The system is now implemented on the projects and new system areas are adapted to the construction sector with Pims365.

«Many project areas are now in place in the system, but some areas still need some adjustment,» says Department Manager at Omega's Oslo office, Roger Arnesen.

In December, Omega passed Statsbygg's acceptance test with Pims365, which means that the company has delivered all parts of the system with a satisfactory quality.

«We are happy with the project of implementing Pims365 at Statsbygg, and are pleased to see that our client thinks that our delivery is solid. It is great to contribute to the digitization within the construction sector, which has resulted in the products we now offer via Pims365 for the building industry,» explains Arnesen further.

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Future-oriented solutions with Omega

IT employee, Mats Årvik (to the right), is working on the IT upgrade at Lundeneset High School. Here together with ICT responsible at the school, Leif Thorsen.

Only six months after Omega established their own IT center, clients in the oil and gas sector such as Statoil to high schools have chosen to utilize the expertise on large and small IT projects.

«We wanted to do something future-oriented when we had to upgrade and renew our server installations, and we contacted several potential suppliers. We looked for a partner who could use the services Microsoft provides in the cloud, and Omega differed from the others by providing these opportunities. They were a step ahead,» says Leif Thorsen, ICT responsible at Lundeneset High School in Ølensvåg. The school is one of several clients that during the past six months has utilized Omega’s IT services.

IT center

Last fall, Omega launched their center for IT competency which will offer services within a broad specter of IT fields, such as digitization, IT strategy, cloud technology, infrastructure, project management, counselling within IT, programming and analysis.

The next IT project

Omegas IT services is offered to existing and new clients in Omega, and several have already utilized the competency for smaller and larger IT projects. The next project is for Statoil, where an Omega team of four will, during March, start the construction of the data platform for Statoil’s digitization project.

«We have acquired solid competency within several fields in IT based on more than 25 years with system development for project management tools in the oil and gas industry. Now, we build further on this expertise and offer our services to clients that need help with IT projects and digitization,» says Department Manager for Omega’s IT center, Jan Christian Brataas.

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IT contacts in Omega

Jan Christian Brataas

Arvid Grønvoll

Svein Tore Haraldseid

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