Omega on campus

Published: 11.03.11 (Updated: 08.04.11)

Many NTNU students were surprised when hearing Omega`s business presentation on Campus. A big company with many opportunities behind an unfamiliar name aroused interest among the students.

No doubt Omega managed to make its mark among many students who had never heard of the company before, when several team members gave Omega’s first business presentation at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim March 10.

Got to know Omega


Håvard Matre and Camilla Berg introduced Omega to many of the NTNU`s students.

«The students were curious about who we were. They came over for a chat and were surprised when getting to know a big and expansionary company behind a relatively unknown name among the technology students. Many showed interest in both summer jobs and consultant positions» says Project Consultants Manager in Trondheim, Trond Aarsland.

Together with Håvard Matre, Camilla Berg, Gunnar Vårdal, Roger Arnesen and Petter Aalvik, Aarsland was present at «Stripa» in NTNU`s main building Thursday morning to recruit and market Omega among students within Engineering, Product development, Petroleum, Construction, Architecture, and Computer Science. This is the first time Omega makes this kind of approach towards students.

«Previously, recruiting among those without experience has not been an option. Now we see changes in the market and formal competence gets even more valued» Aarsland says.

After e-mail invitations, posters on campus in the days ahead and the daytime stand, close to 80 students had signed up for the business presentation, dinner and mingling later that evening. Here the student got to know more about Omegas career opportunities, project systems, project services, Omega IAT and the Advantage program.



Many wanted to learn more about Omega, and 80 students attended the evening presentation after the daytime stand.

«Many of them especially noticed the magazine Kapital`s rating of the top one hundred Norwegian owned software companies, where Omega held second place. They were also impressed by the spread of locations worldwide, the number of employees, and how Omega had developed without greater effort in marketing. Many were interested in learning about consultant positions in Omega compared to other consultant companies, and I hope many of them will contact us following the presentation» Aarsland says.

He is quite pleased that so many of the last year students were present. 17 of the attendees were Construction students, while there were fewest Computer Science students. Otherwise there was wide representation from the other study programs in the target audience.

While on the charm offensive at NTNU, one of the attending students had the chance to win a stay at Omega`s Oppdal cabin. Students were also encouraged to sign up for the Omega student network, and getting a second chance to win an Oppdal stay.

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