Omega Areal’s “Aksen” reconstruction soon complete

The reconstruction of “Aksen” in Husnes’ city center is soon complete and Omega Areal has been responsible for the engineering and architectural work involved in the process.

The first part of the project is 99 percent finished. The result is an attractive and modern service building for the Kvinnherad municipality. The intention was to have the building finished in March, but COVID-19 put a stop to those plans; now, construction is back to full speed. The plan is to house the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), child services, midwifery services, and psychologists in the building.

«There is a completely new look and feeling in the city center now. It’s an attractive building,” says Project Engineer in Kvinnherad municipality, Stian Ersland to the local newspaper, Kvinnheringen.

In 2015, the building experienced extensive water damage; the building is now rebuilt and ready to become a part of the municipality’s new administration.

During the reconstruction it has been important to take into consideration the existing constructions, the building’s geometry and height.

«There has been good cooperation between all parties on this project,” says Lars Petter Vatna in Omega Areal, who looks forward to the fact that the building will soon be ready for its occupants. He also points out that building would likely have been ready earlier if not for the Corona situation.

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