Omega awarded five-year contract with Neptune Energy Norge

Omega has recently signed a frame agreement for the provision of project personnel to Neptune Energy Norge for the next five years.


The agreement includes all multi-skill disciplines and project administrative disciplines, such as project management, cost control, and support personnel. The contract is valid for five years and includes the option of extending for 3 + 3 years.

“We have worked with Neptune Energy Norge previously and are looking forward to working closely with them again,” says Kristin Jæger, Department Manager in Omega CS. 

“The company has a solid presence in the Norwegian oil and gas market and our consultants enjoy working with this client,” adds fellow Department Manager, Kari Marie Usken, who is responsible for following up the contract, along with Jæger. 

Neptune Energy is an international E&P company with projects in England, Norway, the Netherlands, Algeria, Germany, Indonesia, and Australia. In the North Sea, the company is involved in seven production fields, from Snøhvit in the North, to the Gudrun field in the South. The company has three development projects on the Duva and Fenja fields. 

The frame agreement with Neptune Energy Norge is valid from October 2020.

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