Omega reaches 1000 employees

Omega has increased its number of employees with more than 120 during the past months. This week, we reached the 1000 employee milestone again. After some challenging years, things are looking brighter for the activity within the consultant and software business.

"Times have been tough and we have worked very hard the last couple of years. Even when the market seemed completely stagnant, we worked hard, securing both new frame agreements and clients. At the same time we have always worked to hold on to our expertise and consultants. As the market has improved, this effort has given results," says General Manager of Omega Project Personnel, Anders Lunde.

Today Omega has 15 branch offices worldwide, with more than one thousand employees on assignment in more than 20 countries. The team pictured here work at the HQ office in Ølensvåg. In the back from the left: Business Support Erlend Nedrelid, Department Manager for Project Personnel Terje Aarekol, General Manager in Omega Project Personnel Anders Lunde, and Department Managers for Project Personnel Ståle Håheim and Pablo Tveita. In front from the left: Business Support Helene Haukland, Department Managers for Project Personnel Liv Hetland and Wenche Tindeland, and KPI and alliance coordinator Jorunn Løhaugen. 

The recession in the oil and gas industry made its mark in Omega, however now, the tide is turning; from 287 consultants on assignment in January, Omega has increased its number of consultants to 409 today. These are on assignment for clients in the oil, gas, and construction industry, and are connected to Omega’s Norwegian business. 

Today, Omega has 1002 employees on assignment worldwide.    

"We have always had very skilled consultants, and have made an effort securing more expertise along the way. At the same time, we have maintained the relationship to our clients, and many of our large clients are experiencing high activity at the moment. The combination of our skilled team and the increasing activity level has led to the positive development we are experiencing at the moment. The number will always fluctuate in line with the market, but the thousand employee milestone is worth celebrating every time,” Lunde says.

He refers to the work on several large projects in oil and gas in the Sunnhordland and Haugalandet regions on the southwest coast of Norway as some of the most decisive projects for the increase in assignments lately. There is also a need for more expertise in the time to come; today, Omega has 59 open positions for consultants. In addition, there is a need for software developers, especially in Stavanger, Oslo and on Haugalandet. 

"Pims is about to get a good foothold with several clients in the public sector, and we are now experiencing a need for developers with experience and education directed towards the construction sector," says Svein Tore Haraldseid, General Manager for Omega Pims Software. 

Omega delivers both consultancy services and the project management system Pims to a number of world leading clients in the oil and gas industry. The past years the company has also focused on client segments outside the oil and gas sector, such as transportation and construction. 

"We have one foot inside the door with several businesses outside of oil and gas. This has also contributed to the positive development we now see in Omega. While we have been a leading supplier to the oil and gas industry for many years, we are still newcomers in the construction industry. Still, we will work to establish ourselves in these market areas, at the same time as we keep on developing our position in oil and gas,” Lunde says.

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