Omega PS attends International Cost Conference

Published: 29.07.11

Omega PS joined some of the world’s leading oil and gas companies at the AACE International’s Cost Engineering forum, where existing clients praised Pims.


Client Relationship Manager, Dana Zera (left), and Business Development Manager, Michelle Kyle (right), congratulate the winner of Omega's business card draw.

Omega PS participated in the AACE International's 55th Annual Meeting at the Disneyland Hotel in California from Sunday June 19 to Wednesday June 22.

AACE International’s annual meeting brings together the industry’s leading cost professionals offering presentations and the chance to meet leading software and consulting firms in the industry.

Praise for Pims

Omega PS’s Vice President, Ståle Håheim, suggests many of the major oil and gas companies were represented at this year’s conference as presenters or attendees. Two of these companies, and clients of Omega PS, provided Omega with valuable exposure during their presentations.

“We got a fantastic mention from Enbridge, who have implemented our Pims Experience product, in their technical talk about ‘Taking a project knowledge management system to the next level’,” says Håheim.

“Pims and Omega were also mentioned several times in Statoil's ‘Cost control and earned value to improve project performance’ presentation.”

"The right people and solutions"

Håheim estimates that over 200 attendees were present at these sessions. Client Relationship Manager, Dana Zera, and Business Development Manager, Michelle Kyle, manned the Omega stand for the duration of the conference and had the opportunity to introduce Omega’s project solution systems to attendees. Håheim praised the efforts of his colleagues, both of whom recently joined Omega PS from Omniware.

Kyle suggests the conference was a perfect match for Omega’s Pims modules, bringing the right people and solutions together.

“Omega is a very recognized name in Norway, but we don't yet have that level of awareness in the States,” explains Kyle.

“The more we can get our name and experience in front of companies, the better. The Cost Management and Experience Benchmarking modules were of great interest to the attendees of this conference.”

This year was the third time Omega has attended the AACE International conference and Håheim is keen to see Omega take part again in 2012.

“Next year, the conference will be held in San Antonio, which is only three-hour’s drive from our Houston office, so we hope to be represented.”

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