Ready for the Norwegian shelf

Published: 25.02.11 (Updated: 01.07.11)

After joining the Omega-team, Omniware starts the search for even more resources to strengthen their position. The first objective is to get a foothold in the Norwegian market.

With approximately 20 employees in offices in Perth, Autralia, Oxfordhire, England, Houston, USA and Kristiansund, Norway, Omniware department managers Roger Arnesen and Arnt Mundal are on the lookout for even more team members to expand Omniware following Omega`s acquisition in November last year.


Arnt Mundal and Roger Arnesen at Omniware will now focus on getting a foothold on the Norwgian shelf.

- We need more technicians, software- and project engineers. Long before the job posts expire we have experienced an obvious interest, says Arnesen and Mundal, who have started a new chapter the in Omniware history.


Omniware was established in 1992, and was a traditional entrepreneur`s company until 2003 when investors got involved. In 2004 the company accelerated and established offices in England, Australia and USA. Joining Omega, Omniware brings with them 70 clients and a portfolio including several branches within oil, gas, mining and government. Omniware has positioned itself widely abroad, with Shell, UK Atomic Energy, Ministry of Defence in England, the mining company BHP Billiton, and several US states among the clients. Now, Omniware looks towards home.

- We have always been strong abroad, and our goal now is to get established on the Norwegian shelf. If we make it there, it’s a success, Arnesen says.

Developing Omniware further will be easier after joining the Omega-team, thinks Mundal and Arnesen. The acquisition last year was a quantum leap.

- We are very excited, and optimistic about the future. In Omega the organization is quite different from what we are used to. With a fully developed and well organized administration and service department, the Omega-cooperation means a whole new work situation for our employees.

Change of focus

Teaming up with Omega the focus on clients will also change for Omniware.

- We used to have financial owners, now we have a technical one, and our focus is somewhat changed. Omniware has always focused on bringing in more clients, while Omega`s focus is on customer satisfaction, and rather draw more clients over a longer timeline. Now, also for us, quality more than quantity will be our objective, say Arnesen and Mundal.

Omega-employees in both USA and Australia are now joining with new colleagues from Omniware. Recently Omniware integrated new Omega-colleagues in the Perth-office, and Omniware-employees moved in to Omegas Houston-office. The two companies are well on their way to becoming one, say Mundal and Arnesen.

- Now it is important to get everything streamlined with Omega, and we are already well on our way. Our goal now, is that in one year’s time Omnisafe and Omnicom will be mentioned in the same breath as Pims.

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