Onboarding videos for new consultants

Hilde Gundersen and Helene Haukland from Business Support have created training videos for consultants in collaboration with Omega 365 Design.

Hilde Gundersen and Helene Haukland from Business Support started the recording at the end of January, and it is expected that the video course will be published at the beginning of March.

“The purpose of the onboarding videos is to help consultants get started with the various functions on Omega 365's internal page for employees, omega.omega365.com,” said Helene Haukland.

The videos aims to be short and concise, consisting of 8-10 videos, each lasting two to three minutes. The films will initially be found at Academy, where new employees will be encouraged to participate. Advantage points will also be awarded when finished, which can be used to book international team building trips, holiday accommodation, and training courses. The onboarding videos will be available in Norwegian and English, and include a quick overview of travel expenses, timesheet registration, Advantage, HSE, and My Profile.

The team from Business Support has previously carried out courses in person called "Get Connected", where consultants were introduced to navigating the Omega 365 Intranet.

“This informal meeting was intended to guide and teach our consultants the tools they needed in Omega 365. Although this has been good for both the consultants and us, it is vital that we keep up with the times and find easier ways to train new employees,” says Hilde Gundersen.

“We also have a new system that makes navigating the site easier. The consultants, therefore, do not need as detailed explanations as they did before,” said Haukland.

Recording of the onboarding videos started at the end of January and it is expected that the video course will be published at the beginning of March.


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