Pupils embrace innovative summer job at Omega 365 Lithuania

A group of talented youths have opted for a unique summer job experience by joining Omega 365 Lithuania as testers.

Published: 19. July 2023
Out of numerous candidates from different schools in Klaipeda, three interns were selected for the Omega 365 summer job project. In the picture are Tomas Pupšys (blue sweater), the driving force behind the framework, Dimitrij Derkač (grey hoodie), Team Lead for the new Pims Workflows team, and two of the pupils, Kornelijus and Ilja.

“This summer job initiative, part of a municipal program, aims to provide pupils with practical exposure to different professions while still in school. By exploring various career paths, they can make informed decisions about their future,” says Vadim Narožnij, General Manager at Omega 365’s office in Klaipeda, Lithuania. 

Working with a cutting-edge Selenium-based framework, these interns are transforming the traditional role of testers. By developing test scripts using code, they bring creativity and reusability to this work. Automated software testing framework and the power of Selenium enable computers to handle repetitive checks, adding an innovative dimension to their tasks. 

The job project offers invaluable IT experience for young interns, equipping them with essential skills and insights. Through the Selenium-based framework and mentorship from seasoned professionals, the pupils gain a lot of great experience and competence.  

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