Room for development in new offices at Stord

Omega 365 Areal has moved to new offices in Stord as a result of their continued growth and development.

Omega 365 Areal recognized the need to move offices when their old office became too small for their growing team. The new office, located in Lønningsåsen in Stord, has room for more development in Omega 365 Areal, with plenty of space for new employees. The refurbished premises, canteen, meeting rooms, and larger common areas, are significant improvements on their previous location.

The new office has recieved good feedback from the employees.

Room for more employees

There are currently nine people working in the new office, but there is plenty of room for more employees. Department Manager, Lars Petter Vatna, is looking to recruit more people to the new Stord office and hopes that the improved working environment can assist in the recruitment process. The feedback from the team that is already working in the new office has only been positive.

Employees at Omega 365 Areal's Stord office work mostly within construction design, planning, project management, architecture, and interior design; both private and public projects are on the agenda for the team.

"We hope to grow and work as part of a larger team. There are more possibilities to achieve this having secured our new offices," says Vatna.

Omega 365 Areal has had an office in Stord since 2008, and this is the third time they have moved offices. Each move has been the result of a lack of space, but the new offices now provide the opportunity for more growth and development.

About Omega 365 Areal 

Omega Areal is a subsidiary of Omega 365 and is a consulting company with a strong multidisciplinary environment that delivers a wide range of engineering and architectural services to public and private sectors throughout Haugalandet, Sunnhordland, and Bergen in Norway.  

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