Unearthing opportunities in Australia

Published: 14.08.12

The oil, gas and mining industries are booming in Australia and the market is crying out for more manpower.  Now, Simon Calvert is presenting  Omega's consultancy services to the Australian market, as our first Consultant Manager “down under”.

  A number of clients, in the energy and mining sectors, have utilised our Pims products in Australia for several years. Simon Calvert's addition to Omega's management team as our first Consultant Manager in Australia, marked our official entry into Australia's consultant market in April.  Calvert suggests we have exactly what is needed to succeed in a thriving market.  

“The Australian market is very unique, compared to other parts of the international market I have worked in;  we have a massive mining industry, as well as a growing oil and gas industry that is crying out for people. However, we have a huge skills shortage in Australia across both sectors. This presents a great opportunity for Omega to use  its international presence and experience to support clients' projects with a mixture of skilled expatriates and our network of skilled local staff.”


"Experienced consultats from established oil and energy markets such as Norway and USA is lacking in Australia," says Simon Calvert. As our first Consultant Manager at the office in Perth, Calvert has already taken on the consultancy market i the fast growing oil and mining industries in Australia.

 250 billion Australian dollars invested

The Australian energy sector is growing at record speed. Today, there are projects valued at more than AUD 250 billion in the execution stage in Australia, and just as many large-scale projects are on the way. There is no suggestion that this development will slow down in the coming years. The demand for engineers, construction workers and operational personnel is such that the current workforce will need to double in the next few years in order to complete existing and planned projects.


“One of the biggest advantages Omega offers Australian clients is the ability to attract consultants who have the skills and project knowledge that we are lacking in the Australian market at the moment. Having consultants who have worked in established oil and  gas markets such as Norway and the US will allow us to offer people with highly-valued experienced to support some of the mega-capital projects here in Australia,” Calvert says.  

Hands-on experience

“During my career I have been lucky enough to visit many projects on the ground, to experience them first hand. This has provided me with what I feel is a unique perspective when talking to consultants about  joining a project in locations such as West Africa, Siberia, the Middle East or Asia, which might not always be on the top of their list of places to work.”

When Simon, born and raised on the Isle of Man, joined our efforts in Australia,  he brought with him experience working at global locations ranging from West Africa to Siberia, most recently as a Senior Operations Manager in Asia, responsible for business development in the region. Since 1999, Calvert has developed a wide network in recruitment as a Consultant Manager focusing on oil and gas projects all over the world. Perth and Australia are now the focal points of his efforts, and with a strong knowledge of the everyday-life awaiting consultants on assignments in all corners of the world, Calvert knows what is important to offer consultants on assignment  in Australia.

“The ability to fully understand the challenges consultants might face in these locations and what it is like on the ground on a project and being able to convey that back to potential consultants has been something not many recruiters have had the chance to do, and for me being able to do this is a personal highlight.”

Large networks, true partnerships

Our new consultant manager has plans for our Australian business, but also visions for expansion beyond  his home region. With offices in Australia and Singapore he believes there are many opportunities  to secure a larger network of cross-continental clients and consultants. A strong cooperation between Omega Singapore and Omega Australia can result in a larger network, not only in the host countries, but also in Indonesia, South Korea and China, Calvert says.

“For me, our ability to support a project at all locations, such as an LNG plant being built in Western Australia, with fabrication in Singapore, and engineering in Kuala Lumpur, will be key in seeing Omega grow and achieve its goals.”

After three months with our team, Calvert has already emersed himself in the Omega culture and believes we have what it takes to succeed in Australia; with our feet safely planted on the ground, we have managed to stay focussed on what’s important, he says.  

"My first priority is to ensure that we set the right foundations for building the key relationships, with clients and consultants, that will truly see us stand out from an already overcrowded market in Australia.  Omega is not just another 'body shop'. We constantly aim to improve and grow the business, without losing sight of the fact that we are dealing with people. At the same time, we are able to deliver a top-class service without diluting what has already been built up, " explains Calvert. "It quickly became clear to me that there was something different about Omega; something I hadn't seen before in all my years in the industry. Looking at how the company has built relationships with major oil and gas operators was impressive on a number of levels. Omega has managed to pull off what so many agencies have tried and failed to do in the past - to be seen by the client as a true partner and a valuable asset.”




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