Spotlight: Erik Skagen Vindenes

Researching digital interaction

Erik Skagen Vindenes combines his job in Omega with studies in informatics. Recently, his study efforts resulted in top grades for an assignment regarding user experiences in Omega 365 Workflow system.

When Vindenes was choosing the topic for his semester assignment in the informatics program, it was natural for him to choose a theme relevant to the company he works for.

When Vindenes was choosing the topic for his semester assignment in the informatics program, it was natural for him to choose a theme relevant to the company he works for. He therefore chose to investigate the issue-registration system, Omega 365 Workflow, and produced a survey that focused on uncovering ways to improve the system’s processes.

  • Name: Erik Skagen Vindenes
  • Age: 32
  • From: Bergen, Norway
  • Omega Focus: Senior Software Engineer
  • Background: Studying informatics at the University of Bergen. Recently submitted a term paper on Omega 365 Workflow which received top grades.
  • Location: Bergen

“There will always be room for improvement in regards to the processes in a system. Workflow is a system whereby the user can move through an entire work process in order to filter out discrepancies and the information required to develop a project even further.”

Vindenes, and the rest of his study group, gained approval from Omega to send out a survey to find out how well users thought Workflow functioned. Over 200 users were approached, and 74 users answered the survey. 

“I thought the response rate and the feedback was good. In short, people were happy with the system, even though there were a few areas of potential improvement that were highlighted,” says Vindenes, who will be halfway through his studies at Christmas.

Like many of the assignments he has submitted, this study received top grades. His everyday life is hectic since he, in addition to a full-time job, is also is a full-time student, a dad, and contributes within the relevant department at the university.

“What are your dreams for the future?”

“Time will tell, but I enjoy working in Omega, and definitely see a future here.”

“I was never that interested in playing computer games, I wanted to develop things," says Vindenes. 
Young programmer

Erik Skagen Vindenes was in first grade at home in Bergen when his family invested in their first PC, which quickly became one of the seven-year-old boy’s biggest interests.

“My mother was worried about all the time that I spent on the computer, but since she is a teacher she probably recognised that it was also important for me to focus on my main interests,” says Vindenes and smiles.

The rest of the story about this technology-focused boy is a pure success story. As a 12-year-old, he began developing simple websites and exploring changes that could make IT systems easier. After junior high, he started specializing in mechanics in high school, mostly due to his friends’ participation in this area. It wasn’t long until he realized that it was the wrong track for him and he dropped out of school. As a 17-year-old, he and his friend, Vidar Nordnes, who was also an Omega employee, started their own company, providing websites and other services. While their friends played computer games, Vindenes and Nordnes took their IT interests a step further.

“I was never that interested in playing computer games, I wanted to develop things. You probably need to be a little bit stubborn and genuinely interested to invest time and energy in that way,” Vindenes suggests.

As a 21-year-old, he joined the Omega system and can now look back on 10 years of exciting challenges in a professional environment where there is room for innovation and new solutions. Today, he is a part-time father to an 8-year-old who has already started to dream about working in Omega when he grows up.

New challenges

“A lot has happened since I started in Omega. Back then, the Windows client was the biggest part of what we built. I have since been involved in building the web framework, Appframe, which we use today.”

“I have had an incredibly good time here and learned a lot. I appreciate all of the supporters I have around me; these people have also offered important support towards my new studies.”

In 2019, Vindenes started studying informatics at the University of Bergen. At this time, the technical development tasks did not offer big enough challenges for him, and he longed for new and more challenging tasks.

“This study program is very exciting and explores how we communicate between humans and computers. This is not a program that only deals with IT, but how the information affects us in general.”

“What I may have benefited most from is Ex.phil, which deals with philosophy, science and ethics. Everyone talks about how boring it is to get through this course before really getting into the subject at hand, but for me it offered a new perspective and an opportunity to look more deeply at how the system works.”

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