Statsbygg introduces new digital tool

Statsbygg are using a new digital tool for systematic completion. This will make the everyday work of entrepreneurs and Construction Managers easier.

Statsbygg and Omega PS have signed a contract for a new digital tool. Photo: Statsbygg

Published on (26.01.2017)

“We work systematically to deliver buildings that work from the moment the venue is taken into use. We will now utilize a new digital solution that will make this easier,” says Director of Construction, Synnøve Lyssand Sandberg.

She has now signed a contract with the Omega company, regarding a digital tool for systematic completion management.

According to Statsbygg, the oil and gas sector has already had good experiences with the tool, which registers, classifies, and follows up issues and missing components before a construction can be handed over to the owner.

The system, Pims, has now been adapted to the building and property industry.

“Statsbygg are happy to be able to transfer competency from the oil industry with the aid of digital tools. This will contribute to forming the future of the building and property industry,” says Lyssand Sandberg.

With Pims, Construction Managers can track the status of the project during construction. The entrepreneurs receive documented system results, and can test and demonstrate that the job in question is completed in accordance with the order.

The new tool will be initially used on two large projects: The new National Museum and Campus Ås, and later on Statsbygg’s other projects.

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