Steen Andersen becomes new HMSREG manager

Kathrine Steen Andersen is employed as project manager for HMSREG. She brings with her valuable experience from the client perspective as previous manager of implementation of the HMSREG system in Oslo municipality. 

Kathrine Steen Andersen was employed by Oslo municipality to lead the process of developing the HMSREG system as a cooperative project between Oslo municipality and Omega. The project was based on a public procurement process in 2016. Andersen is now excited to start in her new position as project manager for the system in Omega. HMSREG aims to combat work-related crime and social dumping by enabling overview of the work crew on construction sites.

«This was new to me, and the learning curve has been steep. But it has also been a positive process where everyone wanted good results and cheered on the project,» says Steen Andersen who has a background as a senior consultant from Ipsos MMI where she among other things worked with innovation. She has a masters degree in economics from the Norwegian Business School, BI,  and over 20 years of experience with market and analysis work.

«Professionally this is an entirely new field for me, but I can draw on my experience of listening to people and understand complex issues. Analysis as a tool will be important also in this area to achieve results,» says the new HMSREG manager.

«We have had the honor of having Kathrine as our client when we implemented the HMSREG system in Oslo municipality. She was a constructive, creative and able partner who challenged us in a positive way. We are now happy to have her at "our side" of the table. In 2019 we have exciting challenges that lie ahead of us, for example a new large contract with the eight largest municipalities in Norway, except for Oslo, and we have also been contacted by clients in Denmark and Sweden regarding HMSREG. We are confident that Kathrine is the right person to lead our HMSREG team in these exciting times,» says general manager in Omega PS, Svein Tore Haraldseid.

Overview that give results

In 2014, the public sector in Norway purchased goods and services for NOK 471 billion, which contributes to create an attractive market for many suppliers in Europe, and also contributes to a tougher competitive market and complex supplier constellations. HMSREG was developed to enable more control over the completion phase of the project where many suppliers are involved. HMSREG provides an overview of contractors and suppliers on every project, and an overview of who registers inn or out of the work sites.

«On the one hand we have these big projects, but Oslo municipality also has many suppliers on smaller daily projects, and the municipality’s need to know who is where is big. There are often 2-300 workers on smaller projects, and there is always something that needs to be fixed, like a sink in the kindergarten for example,» says Steen Andersen, and thinks that the development of the system has been an exciting process where Omega has functioned as a good collaborator for the project management in the municipality.

«The implementation of the system in Oslo municipality has yielded good results,but the municipality is also still dependable on tips and meetings to uncover social dumping and crime. I think we need the combination of systems and people to get results.»

In addition to providing overview of who is where and on what project, the system also gathers experience data, notes, and other key information that project management needs to know about the suppliers and deliveries.

«The HMSREG system also gathers data from the well-established service StartBANK, where there is a lot of information and documentation for construction managers who seek to evaluate if the suppliers are qualified,» says Steen Andersen.

Developing new services

Kathrine Steen Andersen is looking forward to new challenges with developing the HMSREG system further.

«HMSREG has been a success story thus far, and it is exciting to work with the theme and system. There is also a large potential for bringing the system into all sectors where there are people executing a job,» says Steen Andersen and looks to Oslo municipality who has considered the health care sector as a possible sector for implementing HMSREG.

«In Oslo municipality we have 35 larger projects with supply chains, for example building or rehabilitating schools, nursing homes, kindergartens or apartment buildings. We have implemented HMSREG within the cleaning field and it encompasses 200 locations/agreements. There are in addition over 200 running frame agreements for both small and large maintenance assignments,» says Steen Andersen.

«I will first and foremost work with understanding the system part to better understand the IT development that is at the core of the system . It will also be an exciting challenge to find additional solutions that we can offer our clients through the system,» she sums up.

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