Trans Adriatic Pipeline Project: 

TAP chooses Pims Document Control 

Department Manager Johnny Vik and system engineer Jan Christian Brataas presented Pims Document Control to TAP AG in Switzerland.

TAP AG has made the decision to utilize Pims Document Control for technical and administrative documentation in the Trans Adriatic Pipeline project and throughout the continued development of the operation. 

- We have really had a break-through for Pims Document Control this year; first with Statoil and the Johan Sverdrup project, and now with this frame agreement with TAP AG, says a proud department manager, Johnny Vik.

Pims DC owner Vadim Naronznij (left) and systems engineer Dmitrij Skaliov have together with other system developers in Klaipeda had the main responsibility for further development of Pims Document Control.

Vik remained a careful optimist as he travelled together with Jan Christian Brataas to Switzerland earlier this year to present Omega’s document control tool to TAP’s document controllers and IT personnel. He remained positive also after the presentation and with the feedback they received, however, the department manager could not help being a little relieved as he could show a ”thumbs up” after the contract was signed.

Complete package 

- I find it especially encouraging that TAP will use our systems for both the project and operation stages. TAP are known for having competent document controllers that know their field of work well, and its an honour to be able to deliver a complete package to them, says Vik, who together with the other system developers in Omega can confirm that they are now seriously competing on the international market.  

- Not long ago, we were in the running for starting a large gas project in Algeria, but we were beat at the finish line by another competitor, adds Vik.  

Starting in April 

This is Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)

  • 867 kilometers pipeline through Greece, Albany, and Italy 
  • 48 inch pipe diameter onshore, 36 inch offshore
  • Transportation capacity of 10-20 cubic meter natural gas annually 
  • The project was launched in 2003 
  • Construction for the pipeline is planned to begin in 2016
  • First gas is sent to Georgia and Turkey in 2018, and to Europe approximately a year later  

- The first thing we will do is to set up and configure the system to TAP’s criteria specifications. In parallel with this, we will transfer approximately 200.000 files and documents to the Pims system from the system TAP previously used. The work starts April 15th this year and will be completed within five months, explains Vik.

When TAP starts to use the system, Omega will have 6-700 new Pims Document Control users.

Competitively viable system 

When asked what he thought were the most important reasons for TAP choosing to go with Pims Document Control, Vik emphasized many different elements.  

- First and foremost, I think we score high on technical document control, but also that we have gradually developed a total system that can compete with the best on the market. A major part of the praise for this goes to Vadim Naronznij and our team of system developers in Klaipeda; they have had the main responsibility for further development of the product, and its the result of their work we are now seeing, says Vik.  

Other elements include the experience we have gained, and the good references we have acquired through previous successfully completed projects with clients such as Teekay, Lundin, and Petrobras.

- The fact that Statoil, as a stakeholder in TAP, went for Pims Document Control in the Sverdrup project has likely had a major impact on this deal.TAP knows us from earlier on, as they already utilize Pims Cost Control and Pims Risk Management, says Vik, who also believes that competent colleagues within these fields have left behind a good impression with the client.

Satisfied client  

Partners in TAP AG

  • BP (20%), 
  • SOCAR (20%), 
  • Statoil (20%), 
  • Fluxys (19%), 
  • Enagás (16%), 
  • Axpo (5%)

Aleksej Širokij has worked full time as Cost Control Engineer in the project since April 2014. During this time, he has had the responsibility for the implementation of Pims.

- The manner in which Aleksej supports the TAP project is exceptional. He is very productive and efficient, working independently and solving complicated tasks in a professional manner; he is also a good team player, reads the client’s feedback.

- The client and us both are happy to have such skilled colleagues with us on the team, adds department manager Vik.

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