Ready to recruit IT talent

“We are always on the lookout for talented individuals who share Omega's values,” said Sølve Mala who was recently appointed as the recruitment manager for new hires at Omega 365 Solutions.

Published: 02. June 2023
Going forward Sølve Mala plans to use his time to become even more familiar with the Omega 365 system. He is looking forward to working on recruitment within the company.

“My job is to support the department managers at Omega 365 Solutions and determine their needs for new skills, identify the individuals we need to bring on board, and importantly, explore the possibility of sharing expertise between the companies. Currently, my focus is on familiarizing myself with the organization,” explained Mala.

Impressive work

He speaks highly of Omega 365, which is approaching 2000 employees worldwide, yet still maintains what Mala refers to as a "good rural mentality" with employees who are humble about the work they do.

“This model from Ølensvåg, where people don't speak in grandiose terms but instead work to achieve results, has permeated throughout the rest of the organization. It's impressive,” he believes.

Mala points out that there are always job vacancies at Omega 365 Solutions, and if the right candidate comes along, opportunities will be available. He is currently in the process of mapping out the organization and figuring out how to strengthen the recruitment work in the best possible way.

“I need to find my way into this, but I certainly don't want to disrupt a formula that has proven successful for years. Job openings are consistently advertised on recruiting platforms and our internal channels. We receive a substantial number of applications through these channels, and a significant portion of them come as recommendations from current employees. If a skilled individual recommends you, it certainly holds weight, and I believe it's worth engaging in a conversation with the candidate.”

Mala is currently in the process of mapping out the organization and figuring out how to strengthen the recruitment work in the best possible way. Here in conversation with system developer, Henriette Heng. 

Focusing on the younger generation

Moving forward, Sølve Mala aims to focus even more on targeted recruitment from schools, universities, and colleges. The objective is to raise awareness of Omega 365 among potential candidates and position the company as an appealing workplace where they aspire to launch their careers.

“We are enthusiastic about welcoming young and recently graduated individuals to our team. There are numerous advantages to having junior developers on board. They join us and receive training within a framework that we have developed internally; this enables them to become acquainted with our tasks and thought processes at an early stage, which I consider to be a wise approach,” he explained, while also emphasizing the significance of having experienced developers as part of the team.

“We often see that people who join Omega 365 tend to stay for a long time. That means a lot and also speaks volumes about the work environment, I believe. It is not always easy to convince people to relocate to our office locations, particularly in Ølensvåg. Therefore, it becomes even more crucial for us to provide an attractive package. While we may not be a company that indulges in extravagances, we find alternative ways to create appeal and offer value to our employees.”

Need for diversity

“It is important for those we hire to understand the values in Omega. It's important to be humble and have a desire to learn more. You don't need to be particularly extroverted or have sharp elbows. The dress code is not very formal here; we prefer to be approachable,” said Mala. 

 Mala is also eager to learn more about what it's like to work at Omega 365 Solutions.

“While I have experience in IT-related fields, my main focus is on ensuring that the tool works effectively rather than delving too deep into the technical intricacies of how it works,” he explained. 

“We are not only focused on candidates having formal qualifications; there is room for people with diverse backgrounds or gaps in their resumes. What's important is uncovering their current motivation, and their expertise can be quite varied. Some of our most talented developers, for example, have backgrounds as electricians.”

Mala is dedicated to fostering a workplace that embraces diversity.

“Technology is still a profession that predominantly attracts males; we see that nearly 90 percent of applicants here are men. However, we are witnessing a positive trend with more talented women entering the industry, and that is highly encouraging.”

The art of asking good questions

Sølve Mala has always enjoyed working with people, and his background in journalism and communication might come in handy in his recruitment job. In fact, he initially aimed to become a journalist when he started his studies in media science, political science, and socioeconomics.

“Yes, what happened to journalism? That's a good question. After finishing my studies, I moved to Stavanger, where there were limited journalism job opportunities. I started working in a marketing department for a Norwegian online and paper-based magazine, which produces news for the oil and gas industry. Later, I was also employed as a journalist there.”

That marked the beginning of a career in an industry that he has remained in. Mala is no stranger to the notion that there is a certain connection between journalism and recruitment work.

“There might indeed be a common thread here. It's about asking the right questions and understanding what the candidate is trying to convey. Additionally, I recognize the similarities to sales work and communication jobs because, in some way or another, we are all salespeople.” 

Interest in recruitment

Since 2015, Mala has been more involved in IT and sales-related roles, such as VP of Business Development at a software solution company and Operational Sales Manager at a company delivering data management services to clients in the oil and gas industry. Most recently, he worked in recruitment at a staffing company.

“I had previously worked alone in smaller companies before joining the staffing company. I was certain that I wanted to do something different from sales and communication in small businesses, so I pursued retraining and had an exciting trial period in the staffing industry.”

Mala quickly developed an interest in the recruitment industry and felt that this was an arena where he could make a difference. When the opportunity to work at Omega 365 came up, he seized it.

“I was already familiar with Omega 365 beforehand, and I happen to know several people who work here. Coming from Etne in Norway, I had always been aware of the company's presence. I am extremely pleased with the warm reception I have received here, and I genuinely enjoy being part of this organization,” he asserted.

Today, he resides on Vassøy with his partner and two children under the age of two. Which means he has a tight schedule with little free time. 

“My time is mostly focused on work or family life. But whenever I get the chance, I grab my fishing rod and head to the mountains. I also spend some time on music and playing the drums in my band.”

“As an avid vinyl collector, my dream is probably to release my own LP record. You'll see, we'll make it happen someday.”

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