Ukrainan children's Christmas

Published: 04.12.06 (Updated: 21.06.12)

The house you helped build for homeless children in Ukraine is complete, but Omega's work for the underprivileged continues, this time in cooperation with Save the Children in Russia.

In 2003 Omega entered into a three-year joint venture to help build a home for needy children outside the city of Korosten, Ukraine. By forgoing Christmas gifts from the company, Omega was instead able to change the lives of many sick and/or homeless children.

Following the completion of the house in Ukraine, and the popularity of the scheme amongst employees, our giving will continue. Omega has now begun a new three-year agreement to support the Save the Children organisation as they improve the lives of street children in the Murmansk region of Russia.

Read on to learn more about our community projects.

Children's home project - Korosten, Ukraine

Christmas 2003 - 2005 

It is with pleasure that we announce the completion of our Ukranian children's home project and bring you photographs of the house's first residents.

Eleven children have moved into the house so far, and the plan is to welcome 20 new children into the house in the New Year. They will now call the house 'home' for the duration of their childhood and teenage life, under the care of Olena Barchuk.

About the children

Who is it we have provided a new home to? Here are just a little of the life history of the children living in the home (names have been removed):

  • His father died and his mother is an alcoholic. One day he left home and went to the hospital because his mother burned his hand on a gas stove because he wouldn't tell her where she could find the playing cards.
  • She was born in prison. Her mother left her, her father is still in prison.
  • Her father is dead and mother is an alcoholic. She fell from the fourth storey of a building because no one was looking after her.
  • His parents are drug addicts and he requires specialist treatment on his eyes.
  • Their (three siblings) mother is dead and their father an alcoholic. Neither of the parents are fit to look after the children.

Message of thanks to Omega from Olena Barchuk

Dear friends! 
 We are sincerely grateful for the care you have extended to orphans in the city of Korsten, Ukraine - situated so far from Norway. 
 Thanks to your support, the children have a nice, furnished house, beautiful rooms, playrooms, a pool, showers, bathtubs and electrical equipment and white goods. We also have an outhouse with cows and pigs. 

 The years of help from you have provided us with a great result. I am touched by your understanding, help and warm thoughts regarding these children that have experienced many tears and much sorrow. I hope that your compassionate hearts will warm the children of Ukraine for a long time, and that they, as always, will be grateful for your kindness, love and mercy. 

 May God bless you for your good and charitable deeds.
 With respect
 Olena Barsuk

Street children project with Save the Children - Murmansk region, Russia

Christmas 2006 - 2008 

Omega's new project will see us continuing our focus on needy children, but this time in the Murmansk area of neighbouring Russia.

Save the Children administer their street children programme from their office on the ground in Russia, allowing them to observe and assist children first hand. Our support will assist them in:

  • Bringing about change in the lives of the most needy children
  • Locating needy children and documenting their situations so they are able to offer appropriate assistance
  • Visiting children at home, or wherever they are living;
  • Reuniting families
  • Ensuring children have access to education and are kept away from dangerous substances
  • Helping children to control their own ability to build better futures

You will find more information about Save the Children on your Omega Christmas card and at

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