Unique expertise leads to new leadership role

Bodil Tretterud possesses a unique and sought-after expertise at the intersection of system development and administration. She has now started in her new role as Department Manager in Omega 365 Admin.

Published: 14. September 2023
Bodil Tretterud is ready to start her new role as Department Manager in Omega 365 Admin.

In recent years, Bodil has been working as a System Coordinator in Omega 365 Core and played a pivotal role in the working group responsible for implementing the new accounting system in Omega 365. She brought invaluable experience to this role from both system development and many years in the Admin department.  

“When I joined Omega 365 in 2011, I transitioned from a consultancy job in Haugesund where I worked on the implementation of payroll and accounting programs. However, at Omega, I joined the Admin department and focused on invoicing and payroll. I have a passion for both areas,” says Bodil enthusiastically.  

She prefers to talk about this subject matter and the continual development. When questions shift toward herself and the efforts she puts in, her responses are swift and delivered in a more subdued tone; she is not particularly interested in putting the spotlight on herself. 

“I find it incredibly rewarding to enhance the daily experiences of software users, striving to make them as seamless as possible. Managing numerous tasks at the same time can be quite hectic. Nevertheless, the sense of fulfillment when projects successfully reach completion after extensive effort is always very satisfying,” she remarks.  

At work, Bodil is passionate about strengthening the company's professional development and thoroughly enjoys figuring out how different databases technically work together.

Balancing change and leadership 

It has been impressive to see how Omega and especially those working on system development and administration, have handled the transition to a new system while maintaining normal operations and completing all tasks within deadlines. On September 1, Bodil began what is an entirely new role for her. She became Department Manager for the Admin team, taking up a leadership role for the first time.  

“I envision us becoming a strong team. Being a leader is entirely new to me, but I love people, and I am excited to get started,” Bodil expresses.  

Approximately 15 people are employed in the Admin department, which handles payroll and invoicing at the headquarters in Norway. After several years in the world of systems, Bodil is ready to return to the department where her Omega story began.  

“Now that we have the new software in place, it's crucial to outline routines and utilize the tools we have at our disposal while further structuring our tasks. This team is incredibly skilled and steady, having been through an incredibly busy period over the past few years. I believe and hope things will start to calm down moving forward.”  

“And above all, I'm looking forward to being part of the great atmosphere and camaraderie in Admin; it's truly special.”  

This Norwegian fall also brings other changes in Bodil's life. For the first time in a while, she will be alone in her house in Skjold as her youngest child moves out.  

“It will indeed feel a bit strange. My son is studying IT in Hønefoss, Norway, and now my daughter is also moving to study social work in Lillehammer. I'm sure I'll keep busy. In addition to work, I love spending time outdoors, knitting, and inviting guests,” she says thoughtfully.  

At work, she's passionate about strengthening the company's professional development and thoroughly enjoys figuring out how different databases technically work together. Even as she transitions to administrative tasks, she'll never fully leave system development behind.  

“I will probably always have a foot in both worlds. Being familiar with both departments is highly beneficial for our work. The administration discipline constantly encounters evolving requirements, which means we have to modify or expand our software as well.”  

“I believe my strength as a leader lies in my ability not to get bogged down in details but to focus on the bigger picture. It's essential to recognize connections and understand how things influence one another. That's likely more important than all the minute details.”  

Bodil, who grew up in Ål in Hallingdal, Norway, moved to Skjold 30 years ago. A lot has changed since then, including in the world of Omega 365.  

“I'm impressed by Omega as a company. In addition to our enormous growth, we are now divided into several subsidiaries, which has increased the complexity. When I joined, it was streamlined, but today there's a more diverse practice between the companies.”  

She points out how adaptable Omega 365 is and how quickly the company looks to new areas of focus when necessary.  

“These are people who dare to take chances and venture into something new. Omega wouldn't have experienced this growth if they hadn't been willing to invest,” says Bodil.  

In 2011, Omega had 750 employees. Today, that number has risen to well over 2 000. 

Bodil joined Omega 365 in 2011, where her focus was on invoicing and payroll.

Drawing strength from experience and dedication

“Bodil is someone who has been with Omega for a long time and has always been genuinely interested in how everything works. It was only fitting for her to be involved in the development of the new Omega 365 system. However, we are now transitioning her back to the Admin department. There, she will be responsible for our largest production; payroll and invoicing,” says CFO of Omega 365, Kjell Tore Helgeland.  

He is looking forward to Bodil taking on the new role, and believes she is well suited to further develop the Admin department.  

“She's the kind of person who always says 'yes', is solution-oriented and eager to get things done. She also has the ability to bring people along with her, and if there are challenges she doesn't solve right away, she takes them with her and continues to work on them. Bodil never gives up,” he states firmly.  

Kjell Tore believes many of her tasks moving forward will be to sharpen and streamline the work in the Admin team. 

“Her expertise and experience will be crucial moving forward, affecting both efficiency and quality.” 

Omega 365's HSEQ Manager and Bodil's former supervisor, Karina Hovden Stava, also commends the expertise that Bodil is bringing to the Omega 365 Admin. 

“It's been great for us to have access to someone with Bodil's experience. She has kept a firm grip on both outstanding and completed tasks, so her departure from our team is bittersweet. With her inherent drive to simplify everyday tasks for users of the solution, we anticipate that we'll continue to work closely together in the future. We have no doubt that the leadership role in Admin will be a perfect fit for Bodil,” she says. 


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