New Department Manager in Bergen

When Christian Vevatne transitioned from being a drilling deck worker to a construction engineer, it was somewhat coincidental. Just a short journey later, he found himself as the new Department Manager at Omega 365 Areal in Bergen.

Published: 23. April 2024
Christian Vevatne has taken on the role of Department Manager at Omega 365 Areal in Bergen.

“There are a lot of nice people here across the companies,” says Christian Vevatne about the environment at Omega 365. 

In the Bergen office, he and the rest of Omega 365 Areal are situated alongside Omega 365 Solutions, Omega Subsea, and Omega 365 Consulting. Vevatne finds fulfillment in this expansive professional environment. He also appreciated his time working at Bergen Architects, where he started as a graduate in 2018.

Previously, he had worked offshore as a drill floor worker. A skiing injury compelled Vevatne to pursue a different career path in construction. After graduating, he applied to the architectural firm, which was later acquired by Omega 365 in 2020. The entire team of nine transitioned to Omega 365 Areal, significantly expanding Vevatne's professional environment within technical planning.

Enjoying diverse workdays

Vevatne's time at Omega 365 Areal has offered a diverse array of experiences. He has contributed to various construction projects, municipal plans, applications, and technical planning assignments, including water and sewage plans and infrastructure development, serving both municipalities and private developers.

Additionally, Vevatne has served as a safety representative and chief safety representative.

“I've been involved in managing both human resources and professional aspects to support the well-being of employees at Omega 365 Areal,” says Vevatne.

The transition to department manager wasn't huge.

“I work with much of the same tasks as before. It's quite varied, and I handle various aspects within projects.” 

Vevatne enjoys diverse workdays, where he deals with a wide range of tasks across the spectrum. He agreed right away, believing that being versatile and having interdisciplinary skills can be beneficial in his new position.

“These are aspects that come with the job. Being appointed as a department manager is a vote of confidence—so you just have to hope that you can meet expectations,” Vevatne comments. 

Vevatne always tries to maintain clear processes and strong relationships with clients, while also prioritizing the well-being of employees. Nonetheless, the request to take over as department manager came somewhat unexpectedly. But he had no hesitations.

“Vevatne said yes straight away,” says Gisle Heggebø, General Manager of Omega 365 Areal. 

“He is structured and reliable.”

When former department manager Joakim Kyrre Myklebust was leaving to return to his hometown of Nordfjordeid, the management recognized the potential in Vevatne. During a transition period, Vevatne has been working closely with Myklebust to familiarize himself with the role.

“There is a reason why we have chosen Christian. He's proven to be structured and dependable, prioritizing quality in his work. Christian might not be one to boast about himself, but he's excellent at showcasing quality and reliability to clients. This trait is crucial for managing others, maintaining structure, and understanding market demands,” says Heggebø. 

Heggebø emphasizes both Vevatne's offshore experience and the broader perspective of the work Omega 365 Areal does.

“Some specialize in their field, while others take a more analytical approach, seeing the bigger picture. They consider not only their own decisions but also the wider implications of our actions. Christian falls into the latter category,” says Heggebø. 

“Christian is also highly trusted by others in the Bergen office,” Heggebø adds.

Vevatne's time at Omega 365 Areal has offered a diverse array of experiences. He has contributed to various construction projects, municipal plans, applications, and technical planning assignments.

Continuing working in projects

Vevatne is focusing on his new responsibilities while staying dedicated to his profession. He is keen on maintaining a balance between hands-on project work, which he thoroughly enjoys, and administrative tasks.

“One of my goals is to keep evolving in my field. You're never truly finished learning. There are always new guidelines and regulations from the state, county, and municipality,” Vevatne reflects. 

The most significant change will be adapting to new tools and systems within Omega 365, particularly in finance and managing both existing and new client relationships, areas Vevatne hasn't previously worked with.

Supporting each other

He is also adapting to his leadership role, finding the transition manageable. Vevatne appreciates Omega 365's informal leadership style, though he admits he's still adjusting to it.

“In the team, we've been colleagues up until now, so it's a slightly different dynamic. But you don't need so much hierarchy here. It's been really nice,” says Vevatne. 

He also appreciates having others to bounce ideas off of, both in Omega 365 Areal, Omega 365 Solutions, Omega Subsea, and Omega 365 Consulting, with people from various backgrounds and environments.

“There's a mix of practical experience and people fresh out of education, so there's a lot of variety. Some have extensive experience, others less so. We manage to find good solutions for most things,” says Vevatne. 

There is also some social interaction across the offices, for example, they sometimes go out to eat together. 

“Socializing outside of work plays a big role,” says Vevatne.

Self-improvement in his spare time

In his free time, Vevatne indulges in the practical side of being a civil engineer. He and his wife have undertaken numerous construction projects on the house they inherited from his grandparents, located just outside Bergen city center. With 250 square meters to renovate, they have been busy updating the property, which had seen little change since the 1980s.

Since moving in five years ago, Vevatne has reconstructed a new floor, built storage rooms, terraces, and added concrete to the property.

“It's an occupational hazard,” says Vevatne with a smile. 

“It's fun to build and put ideas into practice. It's a way to stay active and take a break from the theoretical,” he explains.

Another way to stay active involves keeping up with their energetic three-year-old in the local area. With another child on the way this fall, there's plenty to keep them busy. Surrounded by forests, the sea, and hiking trails, their home is ideal for a family with young children.

“Even a short trip can turn into an adventure,” says Vevatne. 

He hopes the Bergen area will become more familiar with Omega 365.

“We have a lot of talented people at Omega who've built strong relationships with clients in the Haugalandet region. Our goal is to expand our client base in the Bergen area. While I might not fit the typical sales profile, we have plenty of other capable people at Omega who can step in. The awareness about Omega 365 and our services is growing steadily,” explains Vevatne. 

He recognizes the advantage of having the Bergen offices together.  

“We can collaborate with each other and use the other companies to connect with more clients.”

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